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The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol.…

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 3: Century, No. 1: 1910 (édition 2009)

par Alan Moore, Kevin O'Neill

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9702722,488 (3.4)16
In Victorian-era England, Minna Murray, Captain Nemo, the Invisible Man, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Alan Quartermain are gathered and sent on a mission to stop a criminal mastermind from firebombing the East End of London.
Titre:The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 3: Century, No. 1: 1910
Auteurs:Alan Moore
Autres auteurs:Kevin O'Neill
Info:Top Shelf Productions (2009), Paperback, 80 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, À lire

Information sur l'oeuvre

La ligue des gentlemen extraordinaires, Century 1 : 1910 par Alan Moore (Author)


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England, ca 1910
Indeholder "Prolog", "1. What Keeps Mankind Alive?".

Nogle ånder bestemmer sig for at frembringe et Moon Child, dvs et månebarn.
Kaptajn Nemo er på det sidste og styrmanden Ishmael kalder på en ung kvinde, Miss Janni. Hun tager til London og tager et job på et snusket hotel under navnet Jenny Diver.
Mina (Wilhelmina) Murray og Alan Quatermains søn og mister Orlando forsøger at finde månebarnet. De arbejder for den militære efterretningstjeneste ved mr Holmes.
"Rents go up and knickers fall". Og Jack MacHeath is back in town og myrder prostituerede. Et medie mr Carnacki bruger et sort spejl (a scrying glass). Nemo dør og hans ubåd Nautilus ligger ved Thames floden. Ishmael opsøger Nemos datter, Jenny, men hun vil ikke vide af ham.
Andrew Norton dukker op og giver nogle spor og siger at han regner med at se dem igen i 1969. Oliver Haddo? Jenny bliver voldtaget og tager hævn vha Nautilus.
MacHeath bliver henrettet for Whitechapel mordene i 1888, men han kan ikke have begået det sidste af dem. Den fjortende Earl af Gurney er sikkert den skyldige i det. Og da han hører at MacHeath er arresteret for mordene, tilstår han alle Whitechapel mordene.
Imens angriber Nautilus folkene byen og på Jennys bud dræber de tilfangetagne langsomt.
Mina og Jenny mødes. Mina beklager at de har fejlet i at forudsige og forhindre Carnackis spådomme.

Flot tegnet tegneserie, der foregår i den korte edwardianske æra.

Til sidst i hæftet er der første kapitel i "Minions of the Moon" af John Thomas ( )
  bnielsen | Mar 14, 2022 |
I am honestly starting to think that Alan Moore is slipping. Either that, or he is just too much into trying to be cool and smart with literary allusions and not paying enough attention to having a good storyline. I have learned this book is first in a series, so I honestly hope things will get better in the next volume because going by this one, there is not a whole lot of meat. Basically, Mina Harker and the new members of the League are investigating some apocalyptical threat at the turn of the century. It is 1910 now, a new coronation is about to occur, and there is a dark cult that may or not be a threat. To be honest, compared to the original members, the new folks are just pretty bland, and I did not find a lot to be excited about. Nemo's daughter may have some potential, but it is early to tell. The one thing I did enjoy, which I always enjoy is the art in these series which catches the steampunk and Victoriana very well.

So, I will probably read the next one, but I am keeping my expectations low. If this does not get better, not sure I will go to the third and last. Which would be sad since I am a big fan of Moore's other works ( Watchmen, V for Vendetta, so on). ( )
  bloodravenlib | Aug 17, 2020 |
Good quick read, lyrically told and feels a natural extension of the League tales. ( )
  6loss | Nov 7, 2019 |
The first installment of the eagerly anticipated League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Century introduces the new team of Mina Harker, Alan Quatermain, Orlando, Thomas Carnacki, and Anthony Ruggles. This group, while not as engaging as the previous incarnation, entertains and thrills in their encounters with Alastair Crowley, Mack the Knife, and Pirate Jenny. A far more linear and cohesive story than [b:Black Dossier|107009|The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen The Black Dossier|Alan Moore||6156669] (required reading for understanding many elements in Century), Moore intelligently uses operatic tropes and incorporates countless aspects of history and pop culture into the League mythos for this rollicking good adventure tale. This 96-page graphic novel relates a complete adventure but leaves enough dangling threads for the follow-up: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Century: 1968. ( )
  rickklaw | Oct 13, 2017 |
I just ground through a goddam pile of league of extraordinary gentlemens and the basic criticisms I have to make about them all are mostly the same (weirdly crypto–"things were better in my day," at least literarily; too much rape for no reason; too much glee taken in the killing and killing; queasy racial stuff that you get the feeling the authors'd try to pass off as pastiche; easter egg obscurities that get obscurer and obscurer in the same proportion as they get thicker and thicker on the ground). This one has more than some to counterbalance those cons: a "Mack the Knife" storyline; a singing social conscience à la Les Misérables; a relatively complex rendering of the Nemo filial dynamic and a strong female lead trying to come out of her father's shadow. Just too bad her heroic origin story involves her getting gang-raped (not only a prime case of the monsters in Moore's and O'Neill's brains showing their claws, but also a fucking cliché) and then unleashing mass death on the Thames waterfront (you're not impressing anybody, boys). ( )
2 voter MeditationesMartini | May 8, 2016 |
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Moore, AlanAuteurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
O'Neill, KevinIllustrateurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Dimagmaliw, BenColoristauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Klein, ToddLettererauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Ruokosenmäki, JoukoTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Wikipédia en anglais (2)

In Victorian-era England, Minna Murray, Captain Nemo, the Invisible Man, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Alan Quartermain are gathered and sent on a mission to stop a criminal mastermind from firebombing the East End of London.

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