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par Dave Cullen

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3,8192063,342 (4.29)320
Ten years in the making and a masterpiece of reportage, "Columbine" is an award-winning journalist's definitive account of one of the most shocking massacres in American history.

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Affichage de 1-5 de 206 (suivant | tout afficher)
O resultado de oito anos de estudo para tentar entender o que levou dois jovens de classe média a cometer o maior massacre já registrado em uma escola dos Estados Unidos. Recriando minuto a minuto do dia 20 de abril de 1999, o autor tenta montar o quebra cabeça para solucionar um crime motivado apenas pelo ódio.
  JeanArtacho | Jun 3, 2024 |
I think I decided to read this book because it offered an answer as to why two teenage boys decided to attack their school with guns and bombs. I know it's really not good for me to get caught up in gruesome details (Jeff said I shouldn't read it), but the why weighed on my mind, even ten years after the event. So this book came out with its haunting cover and I read it and now I do feel like I understand better why they did it.

Am I happy I read it? Not really. But it was very gripping and thorough. It debunked a lot of myths about the Columbine massacre, and was easy to understand even though it jumped around in time a lot. I wouldn't recommend it unless you're sincerely interested in tragedy and/or being depressed. ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
Great book. Sad but I am glad I read it. I think this is an important book. I really goes into what is and isn't true about one of the greatest American tragedies.

I didn't think i would be able to read it all the way trough without taking a break. This wasn't true. The author lays out the scope and sequence very well. I found myself compelled to keep reading. ( )
  cdaley | Nov 2, 2023 |
I say this not having finished the book. It's a really well researched account, but I just couldn't keep reading about these sad, sad people. I want to finish it though, I do. ( )
  nogomu | Oct 19, 2023 |
David Cullen’s non-fiction Columbine is something of a paragon in the true crime / non-fiction about real life tragedies world, a highly regarded example of how to write about a sensitive and terrible topic with empathy and journalistic precision. And after reading it I can well understand why, Cullen’s prose is immediate and urgent without being sensational it’s informative and meticulous without losing its narrative thread in the minutiae.

First, a note about the event itself. I took an active shooter training recently for work and the speaker told us to think back to a time before we were aware of threats like school shooters, to a time before we identified multiple exits upon entering somewhere new. For me that time never existed, or did sometime before I could remember it. I recall being in elementary school and hearing all about Columbine over and over again. I was always aware that my school could be a site of danger and devastation. This awareness only heightened over the years for obvious reasons.
But despite hearing about the event as a child and teen, I realized I knew little of the concrete facts of what happened. This struck me as odd so I read David Cullen’s book. Columbine was difficult to read; it certainly wasn’t fun or what I would call enjoyable. But the author did what he set out to do, his goal in writing, as far as I could tell, was to tell the complete story of the Columbine shooting, from planning, to the day itself, to the fallout and impact on individuals, families, and the nation. This aim was ambitious but it was (in my opinion) achieved. I wish all non-fiction titles were as comprehensive, as in depth, as this book was. The tragedy itself is given appropriate weight, but the author doesn’t neglect the aftershocks of the event, the way it changed the Columbine community and the nation, the way it has been remembered and misremembered ever since it happened. Indeed, Cullen takes care to point out numerous myths that surround the shooting, noting their origin and providing evidence debunking them. The killers idolized Marilyn Manson, their murder spree was the result of bullying, they targeted an evangelical Christian girl and murdered her when she professed her faith, all of these were things I had taken for fact but in reality are all incorrect, rumors with a long half-life.

This kind of journalistic rigor is what set this book apart for me. Far more than just a catalog of atrocities, Columbine places the events of the shooting in proper context while also making sense of the legacy this tragedy had on our country.
( )
1 voter Autolycus21 | Oct 10, 2023 |
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Leslie, DonNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.
-- Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms
I am a wicked man. . . . But do you know, gentlemen, what was the main point about my wickedness? The whole thing, precisely was, the greatest nastiness precisely lay in my being shamefully conscious every moment, even in moments of the greatest bile, that I was not only not a wicked man but was not even an embittered man, that I was simply frightening sparrows in vain, and pleasing myself with it.
--Fyodor Dostoevsky, Notes from Underground

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For Rachel, Danny, Dave, Cassie, Steven, Corey, Kelly, Matthew, Daniel, Isaiah, John, Lauren, and Kyle. And for Patrick, for giving me hope.
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He told them he loved them. Each and every one of them.
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Ten years in the making and a masterpiece of reportage, "Columbine" is an award-winning journalist's definitive account of one of the most shocking massacres in American history.

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