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Dear Mr. Henshaw par Beverly Cleary

Dear Mr. Henshaw (original 1983; édition 1998)

par Beverly Cleary

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
8,2231471,076 (3.85)80
In his letters to his favorite author, ten-year-old Leigh reveals his problems in coping with his parents' divorce, being the new boy in school, and generally finding his own place in the world.
Titre:Dear Mr. Henshaw
Auteurs:Beverly Cleary
Info:Scholastic Inc, Paperback, 134 pages
Collections:Liste de livres désirés

Information sur l'oeuvre

Signé, Lou par Beverly Cleary (1983)


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» Voir aussi les 80 mentions

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Affichage de 1-5 de 147 (suivant | tout afficher)
When fourth-grader Leigh Botts asks Mr. Henshaw to write to him personally, he gets more than he bargained for. Mr. Henshaw's letters are full of questions, and Leigh is getting tired of answering them. But as he continues his correspondence with his favorite author, he not only gets plenty of tips on writing, he finds a wise and thoughtful friend whom he can tell his troubles.
  PlumfieldCH | Sep 21, 2023 |
#1230 in our old book database. Rated: Good. ( )
  villemezbrown | Jul 27, 2023 |
I remember this being on my radar as a child, but I didn't pick it up. I got a copy for my daughter from goodwill or a library book sale since we love Beverly Cleary and it's a Newbery award winner. My daughter, at 10, wasn't too impressed. She finished it in an hour or two, but didn't have much to say about it. I decided to pick it up afterwards. I felt differently - I thought it was a sweet story and although a quick read, there was a lot of depth in it. I think the Newbery award is deserved. ( )
  Sean191 | Apr 2, 2023 |
Leigh Botts lives with his mother in a small, run-down house. He misses his father, who is a trucker. His parents are divorced; his mother is always busy working and his father doesn't follow through on his promises to call or visit. On top of that, he's having trouble at school with someone stealing his lunch.
He begins writing to his favorite author, Boyd Henshaw, hoping to get some help from him. And he does, when the author writes back, encouraging him to start a diary.
Probably pretty good for an elementary school reader; but as an adult who usually enjoys books for young readers, I got a little bored with this one, even as short as it is. ( )
  fingerpost | Sep 19, 2021 |
Leigh Botts - that's a boy and it's pronounced the same as Lee - starts writing his favorite author, Mr. Henshaw. But what started as a school assignment then morphs into really asking for advice and finally writing in his own diary when sixth grade brings a lot of changes. Leigh's parents are divorced, and he's dealing with a new place, no friends, and a lunch thief.

I enjoyed so many of Beverly Cleary's books as a child - Ramona, Ralph the mouse, and Henry Huggins - but I never did get around to her standalone books. I like how she can get into the minds of her protagonist and really explain how things feel as a kid, the confusion and anger and sadness and yes, joy and happiness too that's a part of life and growing up. She does it again with Leigh, and it was a pleasure to see how everything turned out for him as he learns to write and turns to his journal to sort it all out. ( )
  bell7 | Nov 28, 2020 |
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Beverly Clearyauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Zelinsky, Paul O.Illustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Dear Mr. Henshaw,
My teacher read your book about the dog to our class.
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Dear Mr. Henshaw,
When you answered my questions, you said the way to be get to be an author was to write.
My story is about a man ten feet tall who drives a big truck, the kind my Dad drives. The man is made of wax, and every time he crosses the desert, he melts a little.
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In his letters to his favorite author, ten-year-old Leigh reveals his problems in coping with his parents' divorce, being the new boy in school, and generally finding his own place in the world.

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Moyenne: (3.85)
0.5 1
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3 140
3.5 35
4 234
4.5 21
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