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Goodbye, Mr. Chips par James Hilton

Goodbye, Mr. Chips (original 1934; édition 1983)

par James Hilton (Auteur)

Séries: Mr. Chips (1)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,377536,732 (3.82)180
Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:The modern classic about an idealistic British schoolmaster's influence on his students: "A minor miracle" (The New York Times).
Throughout his forty-three-year tenure at Brookfield, "a good public school of the second rate" in eastern England, Arthur Chipping has been Mr. Chips to his students. From his unpolished first years during the Franco-Prussian War through the radical changes of the twentieth century and the outbreak of the First World War, Mr. Chips has shaped many young lives. But Chips has been inspired as wellby the unremarkable and the extraordinary alike, by his colleagues, by a woman who will change him forever, and not least, by his children, "thousands of them, all boys."
Since it was first published in 1934 to international success, Goodbye, Mr. Chips has never been out of print. It was followed by a collection of stories, To You, Mr. Chips, and provided the basis for two award-winning feature films, a stage musical, a radio play, and two television adaptations. Based on author James Hilton's experiences as a student at the Leys School, Cambridge, this short novel endures as a revelation of the difference one good teacher can make, and "what the better emotions do toward making people important" (Kirkus Reviews).
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Goodbye, Mr. Chips
Auteurs:James Hilton (Auteur)
Info:Laurel Leaf (1982), 144 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Good-bye mr. chips par James Hilton (1934)


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» Voir aussi les 180 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 51 (suivant | tout afficher)
After the darkness of Nothing by Janne Tiller, this was a refreshing change. It's a sweet story and even though there are references that I have no chance of getting - having been born decades after its publishing and not in England, I still gleaned enough understanding throughout and enjoyed the tale of Mr. Chips. It's a comforting book. ( )
  Sean191 | Aug 21, 2024 |
Goodreads: Mr. Hilton's classic story of an English schoolmaster.Mr. Chipping, the classics master at Brookfield School since 1870, takes readers on a beguiling journey through the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Sometimes Chips, as he is affectionately known, is an old man who dreams by the fire; then he's a difficult young taskmaster schooling his students, or a middle-aged man encountering the lovely Katherine, whose "new woman" opinions work far-reaching changes in him. As succeeding generations of boys march onward through Chips' mind, Hilton's narrative remains masterful. He seamlessly interweaves a poignant love story with the jokes and eccentricities of English public school life, while also chronicling a new, uncertain world full of conflict and upheaval that extends far beyond the turrets of Brookfield.
  bentstoker | Jan 26, 2024 |
Simple. Como UP. Cómo pasa la vida. La percepción errada del otro. ( )
  Alvaritogn | Sep 30, 2023 |
This was a re-read for me, but now it's off to the Goodwill. The story of a lovable boys school teacher throughout his ups and downs. Great character development. A good way to spend a few hours. 144 pages ( )
  Tess_W | Aug 12, 2023 |
In his old age, retired teacher Arthur Chipping (known to all as “Chips”) reflects on his life and career at a second-rate public school (private school if you’re American). The faces and names of his former students float through his memory as he sits by the fire with his tea. While the content of his lessons didn’t change throughout the decades, his relationships with his students and with one influential person shaped his classroom management skills and endeared him to generations of Brookfield students.

Mr. Chips’ career spanned the mid-Victorian era to the close of the Great War, and his retirement years stretched into the Depression era. These were momentous times in British history. Many of the Brookfield students went on to positions of power and influence while Mr. Chips’ career seemed to stagnate. He wasn’t aware that his words and example helped to shape his students’ later success.

The audio version read by Martin Jarvis added a special touch to an already special story. The audio producers made an inspired choice for the incidental music, using an instrumental version of the hymn “Jerusalem” for the interludes and concluding with a choral version. ( )
  cbl_tn | Jul 13, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 51 (suivant | tout afficher)
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» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (25 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Hilton, Jamesauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Brock, H. M.Illustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Jarvis, MartinNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Jees, RutgerTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Kossin, SanfordIllustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Munevar, SantiagoNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Weeks, EdwardAvant-proposauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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When you are getting on in years (but not ill, of course), you get very sleepy at times, and the hours seem to pass like lazy cattle moving across a landscape.
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A great joke, this growing old—but a sad joke, too, in a way. And as Chips sat by his fire with autumn gales rattling the windows, the waves of humor and sadness swept over him very often until tears fell, so that when Mrs. Wickett came in with his cup of tea she did not know whether he had been laughing or crying. And neither did Chips himself.
On the night before the wedding, when Chips left the house to return to his hotel, she said, with mock gravity: "This is an occasion, you know—this last farewell of ours. I feel rather like a new boy beginning his first term with you. Not scared, mind you—but just, for once, in a thoroughly respectful mood. Shall I call you 'sir'—or would 'Mr. Chips' be the right thing? 'Mr. Chips,' I think. Good-bye, then—good-bye, Mr. Chips. . . ."
Where had they all gone to, he often pondered; those threads he had once held together, how far had they scattered, some to break, others to weave into unknown patterns? The strange randomness of the world beguiled him, that randomness which never would, so long as the world lasted, give meaning to those choruses again.
And sometimes, when the bell rang for call-over, he would go to the window and look across the road and over the School fence and see, in the distance, the thin line of boys filing past the bench. New times, new names . . . but the old ones still remained . . . Jefferson, Jennings, Jolyon, Jupp, Kingsley Primus, Kingsley Secundus, Kingsley Tertius, Kingston . . . where are you all, where have you all gone to? . . . Mrs. Wickett, bring me a cup of tea just before prep, will you, please?
"I thought I heard you—one of you—saying it was a pity—umph—a pity I never had—any children . . . eh? . . . But I have, you know . . . I have . . ."

The others smiled without answering, and after a pause Chips began a faint and palpitating chuckle.

"Yes—umph—I have," he added, with quavering merriment. "Thousands of 'em . . . thousands of 'em . . . and all boys."
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Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:The modern classic about an idealistic British schoolmaster's influence on his students: "A minor miracle" (The New York Times).
Throughout his forty-three-year tenure at Brookfield, "a good public school of the second rate" in eastern England, Arthur Chipping has been Mr. Chips to his students. From his unpolished first years during the Franco-Prussian War through the radical changes of the twentieth century and the outbreak of the First World War, Mr. Chips has shaped many young lives. But Chips has been inspired as wellby the unremarkable and the extraordinary alike, by his colleagues, by a woman who will change him forever, and not least, by his children, "thousands of them, all boys."
Since it was first published in 1934 to international success, Goodbye, Mr. Chips has never been out of print. It was followed by a collection of stories, To You, Mr. Chips, and provided the basis for two award-winning feature films, a stage musical, a radio play, and two television adaptations. Based on author James Hilton's experiences as a student at the Leys School, Cambridge, this short novel endures as a revelation of the difference one good teacher can make, and "what the better emotions do toward making people important" (Kirkus Reviews).

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