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Another Country: James Baldwin (Penguin…

Another Country: James Baldwin (Penguin Modern Classics) (original 1962; édition 2001)

par James Baldwin (Auteur), Colm Tóibín (Introduction)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,976414,789 (4.13)147
Set in Greenwich Village, Harlem, and France, among other locales, Another Country is a novel of passions--sexual, racial, political, artistic--that is stunning for its emotional intensity and haunting sensuality, depicting men and women, blacks and whites, stripped of their masks of gender and race by love and hatred at the most elemental and sublime. In a small set of friends, Baldwin imbues the best and worst intentions of liberal America in the early 1970s.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Another Country: James Baldwin (Penguin Modern Classics)
Auteurs:James Baldwin (Auteur)
Autres auteurs:Colm Tóibín (Introduction)
Info:Penguin Classics (2001), Edition: 1, 448 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Un autre pays par James Baldwin (1962)


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» Voir aussi les 147 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 41 (suivant | tout afficher)
An absolutely fantastic book which has the perfect combination of description, spoken, dialogue, and philosophy. ( )
  laurelzito | Mar 14, 2024 |
Not my cup of meat, there's not much going on except the interactions of the main characters, and what goes on their heads. Still, Baldwin was a very accomplished writer, and gives us useful insight into what it was like, in 60s NYC with varying degrees of prospects, to be: black/straight/female; black/bi/male; white/straight/female; white/straight/male; white/bi/male; white/gay/male. Baldwin gives us an interesting perspective (being gay himself), in the end only the gay characters have their heads screwed on straight. ( )
  rscottm182gmailcom | Mar 12, 2024 |
"You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read."
  Moshepit20 | Jan 13, 2024 |
In New York City a group of friends, black, white, married, single, bi and gay try to negotiate life. Rufus is a black musician in a tumultuous relationship with Leona, a southern white woman. “They fought each other with their hands and their voices and then their bodies.” He’s homeless and eventually comes to a bad end. His white friend, Vivaldo begins to see life through the eyes of Rufus, harsh and racist.

Rufus’ sister, Ida, tries to love Vivaldo, but the race gap is too much. She learns to use white men to get what she wants. Another friend, Richard, finds that finally approaching his goal of becoming a successful novelist has its drawbacks in his personal life. Eric, an actor, has been sequestered in France with his lover, Yves, but has returned for a part on Broadway. He becomes enmeshed with both Vivaldo and Richard’s wife, Cass.

Baldwin equates love with hostility and cruelty. He also paints a picture of the creative life as one of struggle, despair and compromise, especially if you’re black. This is anxiety fiction. No one is happy. They may have been happy once, long ago, but may not be again. ( )
  Hagelstein | Nov 27, 2022 |
Read first 50 pages just before book club. Black musician Rufus Scott wanders the streets of New York, remembering the events that led to his condition, which began with an affair with white, Southern Leona (this was published before Loving vs. Virginia).

"They knew that no one heard, that bloodless people cannot be made to bleed." (5)
  JennyArch | Nov 22, 2022 |
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Baldwin, Jamesauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Tóibín, ColmIntroductionauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Wollschläger, HansÜbersetzerauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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They strike one, above all, as giving no account of themselves, in any term already consecrated by human use; to this inarticulate state they probably form, collectively, the most unprecendented of monuments; abysmal the mystery of what they think, what they feel, what they want, what they suppose themselves to be saying. HENRY JAMES
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For Mary S. Painter
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He was facing Seventh Avenue, at Times Square.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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Wikipédia en anglais


Set in Greenwich Village, Harlem, and France, among other locales, Another Country is a novel of passions--sexual, racial, political, artistic--that is stunning for its emotional intensity and haunting sensuality, depicting men and women, blacks and whites, stripped of their masks of gender and race by love and hatred at the most elemental and sublime. In a small set of friends, Baldwin imbues the best and worst intentions of liberal America in the early 1970s.

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Moyenne: (4.13)
0.5 1
1 7
2 13
2.5 3
3 54
3.5 18
4 153
4.5 14
5 169

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