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Ida B: . . . and Her Plans to Maximize Fun,…

Ida B: . . . and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World (original 2004; édition 2011)

par Katherine Hannigan (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
2,370746,755 (3.98)15
In Wisconsin, fourth-grader Ida B spends happy hours being home-schooled and playing in her family's apple orchard, until her mother begins treatment for breast cancer and her parents must sell part of the orchard and send her to public school.
Titre:Ida B: . . . and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World
Auteurs:Katherine Hannigan (Auteur)
Info:Greenwillow Books (2006), Edition: Reprint, 272 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Ida B: . . . and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World par Katherine Hannigan (2004)


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Affichage de 1-5 de 72 (suivant | tout afficher)
Oh, Ida B., you were fun to read but perhaps not everything I hoped for regarding a middle-grade book on cancer.

Ida B., the character, is awesome, she has a fondness for all things not school-related. She has named all the trees on her family's property, has a great relationship with the brook on the edge of their farm, and loves her parents. But when Ida B. must go to school, everything changes.

I wanted to read this book for two reasons; the first was I wanted to see how other writers wrote for middle-grade, and the second was I wanted to see how an author would write a middle-grade book incorporating cancer into the plot. That is where the book fell short for me.

When Ida B.'s mother is diagnosed with cancer, Ida B. turns sullen (understandable), but the vast majority of her energy (and the story) revolves around school and how because of her mother's diagnosis, Ida B. must attend traditional school rather than remain homeschooled. I wanted more "meat" regarding the cancer, regarding the child's feelings toward the cancer (not having to go to school because of her mother's cancer).

This is a good story, one not to shy away from, just don't read it with the thought you, or your child will get much, if anything, about children watching a cancer diagnosis play out. If you want a fun story about a fun character with a sprinkling of sadness, this is a wonderful option. ( )
  LyndaWolters1 | Apr 3, 2024 |

What an absolutely beautiful cover and a beautifully, well-written book with such a positive lesson for young readers. Ida B. narrates the story with her humorous thoughts and emotions from the mind of a young 6 or 7 year old.

Set in Lawson Grove, Wisconsin, Ida B. and her parents live out in the country and have a small apple orchard, which is Ida B's playground. She loves and cherishes those trees and has named each one. She can hear the trees and the creek talking to her. They are truly her only friends. Now, I'm not sure if she really is intuitive or if it was meant as imaginary from a 6 or 7 year old's mind. Either way, I love it! Her father teaches her that they are only stewards of the earth and therefore, their property is not really theirs. They are to pass it forward, in better condition, to the next stewards. Ida B tells her father that the earth takes care of them in return. I'm a firm believer in this. It is actually biblical. God has a lot to say about being stewards of the earth amd the things of it. [See Genesis 2:15; Proverbs 12:10; Revelations 11:18; Genesis 1:26; Proverbs 27:18; Numbers 35:33; Psalms 24:1]

Ida B. becomes very troubled when her father decides he has to sell off a piece of their property, which contain 3 of the apple trees, to pay for her mom's cancer treatments. And she becomes even angrier when her mom is too tired, and Ida B. has to enroll in public school for the first time. She absolutely hates it and sets out to show everyone, including her own parents just how unhappy she is.

She refuses to allow any happiness in her heart and works hard at keeping a hard, closed heart. She doesn't really know who to lash out at for the changes in her life, so she chooses her schoolmate, Claire, whose family were the ones to purchase the property with her 3 apple trees, which they had cut down to build their house. Ida B. says some truly ugly and hurtful things to Claire and her brother and hollers at them to stay off her property. Nobody was going to take anything else from her.

Some days go by, enough time for Ida B to think about her actions, and she really begins to feel guilty. She begins to understand that she attacked poor Claire for all the wrongs going on in her life, and only one thing would be the right thing to do...apologize.

Ida B would show us that no matter what you have done...a simple, "I'm sorry!" will always be helpful to elleviate hard feelings. Once the apology starts, a weight is lifted off Ida B and she can sense her spirit opening up. She goes down to the remaining apple trees and aplogizes for not being able to save the others. She's able to look her father in the eyes for the first time in months since all the changes began. And when he knelt down and looked her in the eyes and asked about her, she could hear through his eyes how sorry he was without him actually saying the words, just as the apple trees whisper words to her. Now, an apology may not return things back to normal where they were before, but it did allow Ida B. the ability to move on with the changes.

NOTE: Another positive about this Scholastic book is it was printed with 100% recycled paper products. ( )
  MissysBookshelf | Aug 27, 2023 |
I love this book! I love Ida B.'s voice!
  vashonpatty | Apr 3, 2023 |
I read this book so long ago, I can't remember much about the when. What I do remember is how much I loved the story and the quote that was printed at the top of the front cover from Kate DiCamillo that caused me to read the book in the first place. It read, "I feel a deep gratitude that Ida B exists." At least, that's how I remember the quote having gone. In any case, it's a good quote and a true one. I feel the same way. Ida B is one of the few unparalleled joys that children's literature has given me over the past decade. The aspect that I like the most about this book is the gentle competent nature of its adults. So many children's books depend on buffoonish, possibly evil adults to build a plot around. This story focused instead on life handing out a lemon and everyone dealing with it as well as they could. I think my favorite adult character was her teacher, and not because she was one of those uncontrolled brilliant geniuses full of quirky Ms. Frizzle-like antics. For once, a teacher was presented in the most honest of terms, as someone who exhibited endless patience above all else. In reality, teachers typically show greatness when they offer patience more than any other quality. It's the general acceptance that teaching is two or three parts listening for every one part sharing advice. My favorite scenes all came on the recess yard when Ida sat with her teacher, who would inevitably ask if there was anything she wanted to talk about only to be answered with silence. She would never get upset. She wouldn't walk off. She'd just sit there with her, not pushing, just waiting until the time was right for Ida. That is great teaching. That is great parenting. That is what is means to be truly worthwhile adult. I feel a deep gratitude that Ida B exists. I feel a deeper gratitude that Katherine Hannigan created a world where someone of Ida's depth could exist. This book is a masterpiece. ( )
  matthewbloome | Nov 6, 2022 |
Ok. Not my favorite book or first choice to read. The main character's choices just annoyed me.... ( )
  AlizarinCrimson | Jan 7, 2021 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 72 (suivant | tout afficher)
I love this book I read it as a child and have read it multiple times.
ajouté par sgd119 | modifierIda B, a (Dec 2, 2019)

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For the hills and the trees, the wind, the rivers, and the stars. And for Victor. Always-- K. H.
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"Ida B," Mama said to me on one of those days that start right and just keep heading toward perfect until you go to sleep, "when you're done with the dishes, you can go and play."
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It (my brain) thought about that magic that happens when you tell a story right, and everybody who hears it not only loves the story, but they love you a little bit ,too, for telling it so well.
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In Wisconsin, fourth-grader Ida B spends happy hours being home-schooled and playing in her family's apple orchard, until her mother begins treatment for breast cancer and her parents must sell part of the orchard and send her to public school.

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