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What Color Is Your Brain: A Fun and Fascinating Approach to Understanding Yourself and Others

par Sheila N Glazov

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282863,277 (2.5)Aucun
Why do you zig while others zag? What makes you seem unique or peculiar to some people, yet similar or comforting to others? The differences are in our personalities and how they shade our perception and affect the way we work, live, and interact. Discovering and understanding our own strengths and idiosyncrasies while adapting to others can be an overwhelming task. In response to this common frustration, What Color Is Your Brain? A Fun and Fascinating Approach to Understanding Yourself and Others explains the similarities and differences that impact our thoughts and actions. Rather than offer an excuse for people's behavior, this book helps to explain why our perspectives differ from or relate to the viewpoints of others. Enjoyable, insightful, and easy-to-read, What Color Is Your Brain? is a guide to exploring who we are, why others see us the way they do, and how the four "brain colors" or personality types play a role in our everyday lives. Sheila Glazov has created colorful personality profiles that simplify the complex nature of our traits and talents. With its entertaining anecdotes, innovative perspectives, and resonating concepts, What Color Is Your Brain? is a fun and fascinating book that promotes both self-awareness and acceptance of others. Written for readers of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, this book is intended to facilitate effective communication and cooperation while minimizing frustration in numerous aspects of our everyday lives--at work and home, in dating and marital relationships, with team projects, among family members and friends, and within a mixture of other interpersonal connections. What Color Is Your Brain? offers the essential pieces of the puzzle that is human interaction, teaching us how to recognize and appreciate a spectrum of personality types. With the help of this dynamic book, discovering your own brain color and learning to adapt to others is bound to be a no-brainer.… (plus d'informations)

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The author attempts to distill the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator down to twelve questions and prescribes four different "brain colors" (personality types) based on responses.

Upon reading that yellow-brainers (for the record, I'm not a yellow-brainer) "choose careers as CEOs," I was out. Suitable for a workshop, perhaps, but pop psychology nonetheless.

I'm not going to rate it because I've been handing out too many one-star reviews lately and it's making me feel guilty in that distinctly INFJ sort of way.
  KidSisyphus | Apr 5, 2013 |
An alternative look at the Myers-Briggs personality typing system using colours of green, blue, orange and yellow. I found it rather disappointing. There is very little detail and it is quite simplistic. Worth a quick read but borrow it - don't buy. ( )
  infjsarah | Jun 21, 2008 |
Reviewer: Steve

Need a hug when you’re blue? Is your to-do list bright yellow? Are you green with envy playing Trivial Pursuit? Are you a fun-filled orange? What does that mean?

What Color Is Your Brain (WCIYB), by Sheila Glazov, answers that and more! WCIYB describes our personality types using four colors in a packed, fast, fun-filled book that is easy to read and understand. Glazov highlights points in the chapters with stories and anecdotes from her WCIYB workshops conducted for major corporations and organizations all over the world. WCIYB will help you understand your co-workers, bosses, children, spouses, and any others you work with using some simple and easy-to-remember techniques.

The Brain Colors are based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a well-known and well-used personality assessment that’s based on Dr Carl Jung’s four personality functions. Myers-Briggs uses 16 letter combinations to identify personality traits. Sheila Glazov developed the four colors in order for make it easy for children and adults to remember. I have taken the Myers-Briggs and forgot much of it the next day. Brain Colors is much easier to remember and deal with and explain to my children.

The first chapter, The “No Right or Wrong Answer” Brain Color Quiz, gives the test for you to start determining your brain color type. Each of the other eighteen chapters is full of charts and lists to illustrating concepts from romantic relationships to the best working environment. No worries about the test, each chapter gives more than enough to determine if you’ve call yourself right. Best part for me is how you can change should you need or want to.

Sheila Glazov’s easy-to-use system for personality traits and highly informative and entertaining book makes this a must read for anyone who deals with people!
( )
  judithkaye_v01 | Jan 25, 2008 |
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Why do you zig while others zag? What makes you seem unique or peculiar to some people, yet similar or comforting to others? The differences are in our personalities and how they shade our perception and affect the way we work, live, and interact. Discovering and understanding our own strengths and idiosyncrasies while adapting to others can be an overwhelming task. In response to this common frustration, What Color Is Your Brain? A Fun and Fascinating Approach to Understanding Yourself and Others explains the similarities and differences that impact our thoughts and actions. Rather than offer an excuse for people's behavior, this book helps to explain why our perspectives differ from or relate to the viewpoints of others. Enjoyable, insightful, and easy-to-read, What Color Is Your Brain? is a guide to exploring who we are, why others see us the way they do, and how the four "brain colors" or personality types play a role in our everyday lives. Sheila Glazov has created colorful personality profiles that simplify the complex nature of our traits and talents. With its entertaining anecdotes, innovative perspectives, and resonating concepts, What Color Is Your Brain? is a fun and fascinating book that promotes both self-awareness and acceptance of others. Written for readers of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, this book is intended to facilitate effective communication and cooperation while minimizing frustration in numerous aspects of our everyday lives--at work and home, in dating and marital relationships, with team projects, among family members and friends, and within a mixture of other interpersonal connections. What Color Is Your Brain? offers the essential pieces of the puzzle that is human interaction, teaching us how to recognize and appreciate a spectrum of personality types. With the help of this dynamic book, discovering your own brain color and learning to adapt to others is bound to be a no-brainer.

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