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Le marquis libertin

par Sarah Elliott

Séries: Les Sinclair (1)

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481547,778 (3.2)1
"THIS ISN'T YOUR FIRST SEASON, IS IT, DEAR?" "NO. BUT IT SHALL BE MY LAST!" Beatrice Sinclair prayed that her bold declaration would prove true. After so many fruitless years on the ton's marriage mart, life on the shelf seemed the more appealing prospect. At least as an avowed spinster, she wouldn't be bound by the silliness women went through to catch even the dullest of husbands! Still, secretly, she yearned for romance--bone-melting, scandalous romance. If truth be told, what she really wanted--even if only for one mad, family-shocking moment--was a rake. And Charles Summerson, Marquis of Pelham, tall, dark and notorious, seemed only too happy to oblige!… (plus d'informations)
  1. 00
    A Game of Thrones par George R. R. Martin (Utilisateur anonyme)

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This is a story of finding love once trapped into marriage by emotions that both parties are finding overwhelming. Both characters are a bit broken and have to find themselves before finding love and it isn't until they try to live without each other that they find out exactly what they think about each other.

Fun and enjoyable read with some great moments, Charles Summerson is quite high handed but actually rang quite true to form. Not completely a rake but not a quiet lived man either. Beatrice Sinclair is almost on the shelf and trying very hard to keep her independence in a world that doesn't allow for that.

While there were moments that shone there were also a few clunky moments in the story. I did enjoy it and would look for more by the author. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Aug 27, 2008 |
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Charles Summerson, neuvième marquis de Pelham, n'avait pas, en passant la tête par le vantail, l'intention d'espionner qui que ce soit, mais simplement de s'assurer qu'il faisait bon.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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"THIS ISN'T YOUR FIRST SEASON, IS IT, DEAR?" "NO. BUT IT SHALL BE MY LAST!" Beatrice Sinclair prayed that her bold declaration would prove true. After so many fruitless years on the ton's marriage mart, life on the shelf seemed the more appealing prospect. At least as an avowed spinster, she wouldn't be bound by the silliness women went through to catch even the dullest of husbands! Still, secretly, she yearned for romance--bone-melting, scandalous romance. If truth be told, what she really wanted--even if only for one mad, family-shocking moment--was a rake. And Charles Summerson, Marquis of Pelham, tall, dark and notorious, seemed only too happy to oblige!

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