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Sundial par Catriona Ward

Sundial (original 2022; édition 2022)

par Catriona Ward (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
5242648,255 (3.83)24
"You can't escape what's in your blood... All Rob wanted was a normal life. She almost got it, too: a husband, two kids, a nice house in the suburbs. Far from her childhood home, Sundial, hidden deep in the wild Mojave Desert. But beneath the veneer, Rob is terrified for her oldest daughter, Callie, who collects tiny bones and whispers to imaginary friends. Rob sees a darkness in Callie, one that reminds her too much of the family she left behind. Running from her past has led her directly back to it -- what's buried at Sundial could never stay a secret forever, and Rob must risk one last trip out there to protect her family, and her future"--… (plus d'informations)
Auteurs:Catriona Ward (Auteur)
Info:Tor Nightfire (2022), 304 pages
Collections:Read & Rated

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Sundial par Catriona Ward (2022)


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» Voir aussi les 24 mentions

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I received this book as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy).
I had never heard of Catriona Ward, though I was intrigued right away when I saw that Stephen King had sung her praises for her previous book. I figured, if my favorite author digs her writing, I will too.

Um, digging it is an understatement! I LOVE the way Ward writes! This story is brilliant, and I was truly on the edge of my seat throughout. I never knew what was coming. Every time I thought I had something figured out, I would be proven wrong. I really enjoyed the dynamic between Rob and her daughter Callie, between Rob and her sister Jack, and I HATED Irving! (As I was meant to.)

Pick this one up and give it a read! It's a bit graphic, a bit dark.... that's what I love!!! ( )
  trayceebee | Aug 23, 2024 |
Catriona Ward does it again with her new bone-chilling horror. I found it mixed a bit of science fiction, which I wasn’t expecting but this helped craft the unique story and keep readers on their toes about what was to happen next. The villains in this story hide deep in shadow and secret, and I had a hard time putting it down because I wanted so badly to uncover what was going on. At its core, the book is about sisters and family bonds, what a person is willing to do when they love another so deeply and only wish to protect them.

I would suggest this to not only horror readers but also those enjoy dark domestic fiction. Gives similar vibes to Baby Teeth but with a deeper and more detailed origin story, and completely shocking revelations throughout.

Thank you to NetGalley and TorNightfire for the eARC! ( )
  boufaroni | Aug 16, 2024 |
I loved this book, reading it consumed my little free time. However the end was a huge disappointment. What happened with Annie and Hannah? ( )
  blankie | Jun 9, 2024 |
Tore through this one-super compelling and readable character centered horror. ( )
  Amateria66 | May 24, 2024 |
It starts out slow telling a twisted tale of experiments on dogs, then it explodes into a story with multiply twists and turns to the last page. ( )
  caanderson | Apr 25, 2024 |
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For Agnes Matilda Cavendish Gibbons and Jackson Blair Miller, who are the brightest, most shining godchildren I could wish for.
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It's the chicken pox that makes me sure - my husband is having another affair.
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"You can't escape what's in your blood... All Rob wanted was a normal life. She almost got it, too: a husband, two kids, a nice house in the suburbs. Far from her childhood home, Sundial, hidden deep in the wild Mojave Desert. But beneath the veneer, Rob is terrified for her oldest daughter, Callie, who collects tiny bones and whispers to imaginary friends. Rob sees a darkness in Callie, one that reminds her too much of the family she left behind. Running from her past has led her directly back to it -- what's buried at Sundial could never stay a secret forever, and Rob must risk one last trip out there to protect her family, and her future"--

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Moyenne: (3.83)
2 6
3 24
3.5 11
4 36
4.5 5
5 21

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