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La vie de Frederick Douglass, esclave américain, écrite par lui-même (1845)

par Frederick Douglass

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9,448119852 (4.03)201
Biography & Autobiography. Nonfiction. HTML:

Frederick Douglass was an ex-slave and a great orator in early 19th-century USA. His autobiography details his experiences as a slave and is considered the most famous such work, though many similar were written by his contemporaries. This work also influenced and fueled the abolitionist movement, in which Douglass was an important figure.

.… (plus d'informations)
  1. 20
    Truth Stranger than Fiction: Father Henson's Story of His Own Life par Josiah Henson (HistReader)
    HistReader: Both men discuss their treatment and lifestyle under subjection as slaves.
  2. 10
    Ma véridique histoire - Africain, esclave en Amérique, Homme libre par Olaudah Equiano (jordantaylor)
  3. 01
    The Mind of Frederick Douglass par Waldo E. Jr. Martin (eromsted)
  4. 01
    To Be a Slave par Julius Lester (jacqueline065)
    jacqueline065: If your enjoyed the poignant narrative of Frederick Douglass, you will be moved by the perserved accounts of slave life in this book.

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Affichage de 1-5 de 119 (suivant | tout afficher)
Frederick Douglass rose to great heights as a renowned figure in Washington D.C., and represents the epitome of "a man of humble origins". He began life as a slave on a Maryland plantation. While he was still a child, through a stroke of good fortune he was delivered to Baltimore to serve his master's relation. His discovery of the path from slavery via literacy was equally fortuitous, but it took a great deal of ingenuity to become literate. After escaping slavery altogether, he came among abolitionists who encouraged him to share his story in this written form in 1845. From that point on he was famous, earning high regard in America and beyond.

Hollywood has many times depicted the life of the American slave, but they are all a step removed from reading of the actual experience in the words of an actual witness and victim of the crime. Douglass does not overly dwell on the horrors as much as he challenges the morality of such acts and counts his blessings for having escaped them. I find it remarkable that he clearly stated the identities of his former masters, when the law still allowed for escaped slaves to be reclaimed. His account accuses them of everything up to and including murder. Many memoirs written today feature altered names and anonymity for less reason than that (and he does extend this courtesy to those whom he needs to protect). Public opinion being the only thing he could turn to for justice, its achievement must have been his aim. I doubt whether he saw full justice done - he has written two more biographies and I look forward to the rest of his story - but in any case those recorded names are now justly maligned for as long as his memoir continues to be read.

It's a work that fully deserves five stars in light of what it records, when it was recorded, and what it represents. ( )
  Cecrow | Feb 17, 2024 |
Frederick's autobiography gripped me with horror, disgust and hope for humanity. What a bleak picture of the depravity of slavery. It destroyed the lives of slaves and those who were their masters. Even in these horrible stories he presents, there were signs of kindness, strength and compassion. I am truly grateful for finally reading his story of being born, raised and escaping slavery. ( )
  wvlibrarydude | Jan 14, 2024 |
Should be required reading for every American. ( )
  diylibrarian | Jan 9, 2024 |
This is the archetypal narrative of slavery, capturing both the physical and psychological damage of owning humans as property. Rivals Wiesel's Night as a document of human cruelty. Points with laser accuracy at the hypocrisies of Christianity and American democracy. Douglass has a greater stature than the founders in American history, as his life was dedicated to correcting our crimes against humanity. ( )
  jonbrammer | Jul 1, 2023 |
Compelling ( )
  podocyte | May 7, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 119 (suivant | tout afficher)

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (145 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Frederick Douglassauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Andrews, William L.Directeur de publicationauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Baker, Houston A., Jr.Directeur de publicationauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Blight, David W.Directeur de publicationauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Dworkin, IraDirecteur de publicationauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Gomes, Peter J.Introductionauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
O'Meally, Robert G.Introductionauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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I was born in Tuckahoe, near Hillsborough, and about twelve miles from Easton, in Talbot country, Maryland.
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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Biography & Autobiography. Nonfiction. HTML:

Frederick Douglass was an ex-slave and a great orator in early 19th-century USA. His autobiography details his experiences as a slave and is considered the most famous such work, though many similar were written by his contemporaries. This work also influenced and fueled the abolitionist movement, in which Douglass was an important figure.


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Bibliothèque patrimoniale: Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass a une bibliothèque historique. Les bibliothèques historiques sont les bibliothèques personnelles de lecteurs connus, qu'ont entrées des utilisateurs de LibraryThing inscrits au groupe Bibliothèques historiques [en anglais].

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