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The Cairo Trilogy: Palace Walk, Palace of…

The Cairo Trilogy: Palace Walk, Palace of Desire, Sugar Street (Everyman's Library) (édition 2001)

par Naguib Mahfouz, Sabry Hafez (Introduction)

Séries: The Cairo Trilogy (Omnibus 1-3)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneDiscussions / Mentions
1,1801717,505 (4.33)1 / 183
Fiction. Literature. HTML:

Naguib Mahfouz's magnificent epic trilogy of colonial Egypt appears here in one volume for the first time. The Nobel Prize—winning writer's masterwork is the engrossing story of a Muslim family in Cairo during Britain's occupation of Egypt in the early decades of the twentieth century.

The novels of The Cairo Trilogy trace three generations of the family of tyrannical patriarch Al-Sayyid Ahmad Abd al-Jawad, who rules his household with a strict hand while living a secret life of self-indulgence. Palace Walk introduces us to his gentle, oppressed wife, Amina, his cloistered daughters, Aisha and Khadija, and his three sons–the tragic and idealistic Fahmy, the dissolute hedonist Yasin, and the soul-searching intellectual Kamal. Al-Sayyid Ahmad's rebellious children struggle to move beyond his domination in Palace of Desire, as the world around them opens to the currents of modernity and political and domestic turmoil brought by the 1920s. Sugar Street brings Mahfouz's vivid tapestry of an evolving Egypt to a dramatic climax as the aging patriarch sees one grandson become a Communist, one a Muslim fundamentalist, and one the lover of a powerful politician.

Throughout the trilogy, the family's trials mirror those of their turbulent country during the years spanning the two World Wars, as change comes to a society that has resisted it for centuries. Filled with compelling drama, earthy humor, and remarkable insight, The Cairo Trilogy is the achievement of a master storyteller.

… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Cairo Trilogy: Palace Walk, Palace of Desire, Sugar Street (Everyman's Library)
Auteurs:Naguib Mahfouz
Autres auteurs:Sabry Hafez (Introduction)
Info:Everyman's Library (2001), Edition: 0, Hardcover, 1368 pages
Collections:En cours de lecture

Information sur l'oeuvre

La trilogie par Naguib Mahfouz

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    paulkid: These books are fathers-and-sons family epics that are set around the turn of the (20th) century. They both have philosophical and coming-of-age themes as well.
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 Reading Globally: Group Read: The Cairo Trilogy by Naguib Mahfouz27 non-lus / 27SassyLassy, Août 2012

» Voir aussi les 183 mentions

Grand amoureux de Mahfouz, mon avis n'est pas très objectif...j'aime profondément cet auteur et tout ce que je peux dire de cette triologie est valable pour ses autres livrres. A travers l'histoire d'une famille, Mahfouz nous fait découvrir la vie et l'évolution de la mentalité egyptienne, son accession à l'indépandance...comme souvent chez Mahfouz, beaucoup de couleurs, d'images, de parfums...magique ( )
1 voter toursene | Mar 1, 2008 |
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Naguib Mahfouzauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Hafez, SabryIntroductionauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Hutchins, William MaynardTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Kenny, Lorne M.Traducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Kenny, Olive E.Traducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Samaan, Angele BotrosTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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The Cairo Trilogy (Omnibus 1-3)

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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Fiction. Literature. HTML:

Naguib Mahfouz's magnificent epic trilogy of colonial Egypt appears here in one volume for the first time. The Nobel Prize—winning writer's masterwork is the engrossing story of a Muslim family in Cairo during Britain's occupation of Egypt in the early decades of the twentieth century.

The novels of The Cairo Trilogy trace three generations of the family of tyrannical patriarch Al-Sayyid Ahmad Abd al-Jawad, who rules his household with a strict hand while living a secret life of self-indulgence. Palace Walk introduces us to his gentle, oppressed wife, Amina, his cloistered daughters, Aisha and Khadija, and his three sons–the tragic and idealistic Fahmy, the dissolute hedonist Yasin, and the soul-searching intellectual Kamal. Al-Sayyid Ahmad's rebellious children struggle to move beyond his domination in Palace of Desire, as the world around them opens to the currents of modernity and political and domestic turmoil brought by the 1920s. Sugar Street brings Mahfouz's vivid tapestry of an evolving Egypt to a dramatic climax as the aging patriarch sees one grandson become a Communist, one a Muslim fundamentalist, and one the lover of a powerful politician.

Throughout the trilogy, the family's trials mirror those of their turbulent country during the years spanning the two World Wars, as change comes to a society that has resisted it for centuries. Filled with compelling drama, earthy humor, and remarkable insight, The Cairo Trilogy is the achievement of a master storyteller.


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