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Love in The Time of Terror

par Mary Faderan

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Love in the Time of Terror is about an American woman, Rebecca Bartholomew who is stranded in London after a breakup. She meets MI5 agent, Peter Reed, who is on a mission to find the terrorist involved in the bombings in London. They have an instant attraction and become involved in a passionate affair which places them both in the crossfire where Peter has to resolve his allegiance to his mission and his love for Rebecca.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parmerryagnes, KOGlibrary, Girly_Geek

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Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I received this copy from LibraryThing Member Giveaway. I have to say I was not impressed. The characters were shallow and not well developed. I felt no connection to any of the characters. The story read like an outline instead of a fleshed out story. The MI5 agent was stiff and not very believable in his love for Rebecca. I think it could become a good story with a little more work. ( )
  KOGlibrary | Jan 18, 2020 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
This is a pretty good book, however i am a book reader who loves a long story. i would have loved for it to have been longer but all in all for the books length it is a really good story. I give it a 3.5 star rating. my favorite quote is ..." I'm very glad you're pregnant. just that it put a bit of a awkward spin into my life". Great story overall! ( )
  Girly_Geek | Oct 7, 2019 |
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Love in the Time of Terror is about an American woman, Rebecca Bartholomew who is stranded in London after a breakup. She meets MI5 agent, Peter Reed, who is on a mission to find the terrorist involved in the bombings in London. They have an instant attraction and become involved in a passionate affair which places them both in the crossfire where Peter has to resolve his allegiance to his mission and his love for Rebecca.

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Mary Faderan est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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