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How to Draw: Easy Techniques and Step-by-Step Drawings for Kids

par Aaria Baid

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Even if your little one has never drawn before, they can create pictures better than they ever imagined. Every artist starts with the basics and here is a step-by-step guide to them all. With this how to draw for kids book, every kid can be creative and capture whatever catches their eye. In How to Draw, kids ages 9-12 will try their hand at everything from magical creatures and cartoons to realistic landscapes, portraits, and so much more. Covering basic techniques as they go, this book will prepare and inspire young artists to create their very own masterpieces. It's easier than you think. -- from Amazon.… (plus d'informations)

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In "How to Draw: Easy Techniques and Step-by-Step Drawings for Kids", author and artist Aaria Baid has put together a creatively inspiring workbook and teaching tool. With simple instructions and illustrations, she guides readers through the basics of drawing--explaining lines, spheres, 3D shapes, shading, adding depth, proportion and scale, perspective, lettering, and much more. Learn to draw people, animals, landscapes, objects--even cartoons. Drawing is fun and relaxing, and seeing your skills improve with practice is quite rewarding. I am creative, but I lack basic artistic ability. From a young age, I have done all types of sewing and needlework, and I always wished that I could sketch out my own ideas and designs. While this book is recommended for ages 9 to 12, anyone who wants to learn to draw will enjoy this helpful teaching guide. I am now having much fun making sketches of my favorite subjects--my three beautiful black & white cats.

Book Copy Gratis Callisto Publishers. ( )
  gincam | Jun 25, 2019 |
Artist Aaria Baid presents 24 illustrated lessons on how to draw. The first part of the book addresses the basics of drawing, such as lines, shapes, shading, perspective and more. The book’s second part consists on how to draw specific subjects. including 3D letters, animals, people, landscapes, unicorns, fashion designer clothes and much more. Each lesson consists of clear instructions. Each step of the process is illustrated with a drawing. There is even a lesson on watercolor. The book is labeled for ages 9 through 12. This book, however, is appropriate for older beginners, whether teens or adults. ( )
  mitchellray | Jun 20, 2019 |
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Even if your little one has never drawn before, they can create pictures better than they ever imagined. Every artist starts with the basics and here is a step-by-step guide to them all. With this how to draw for kids book, every kid can be creative and capture whatever catches their eye. In How to Draw, kids ages 9-12 will try their hand at everything from magical creatures and cartoons to realistic landscapes, portraits, and so much more. Covering basic techniques as they go, this book will prepare and inspire young artists to create their very own masterpieces. It's easier than you think. -- from Amazon.

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