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Animal Attraction (Kindred Souls Book 2)

par Patricia Rosemoor

Séries: Kindred Souls (2)

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762,431,834 (4)1
Detective Ethan Grainger is horrified when a public official is found dead in the park, killed by an animal. He immediately fears it's a shifter kill and heads for The Ark, where he seeks out Nuala Lazare, a Kindred pregnant by Ethan's late partner Shade. He'd come to terms with Chicago's supernatural underground, but because Nuala holds him responsible for Shade's death-and because he is attracted to her-he's avoided her until now. Ethan is the last man Nuala wants to see, and she has enough to deal with being near term and realizing her fatherless child will be a half-breed like her brother Luc, who experienced tremendous prejudice and guilt while growing up. She plans to move from The Ark to live like a human for her daughter. Ethan must keep Shade's child from being corrupted by the criminal element of the Kindred Lazare clan. Which means he must get close to Nuala-not an easy task. As they get to know each other, their attraction becomes unbearable. Will Ethan keep his loyalty to ...… (plus d'informations)

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Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I was given this book as an ARC for review. This is such a different view of shifters or Kindred, of good, bad and just evil. The second book is about Nuala the daughter of the high ranking Kindred and Ethan a good cop. Both were in the first book of the series and now it continues with Nuala that is pregnant with Shades baby. Shade was a police officer and part "Powers" that died in the first book where his twin sister was one of the main characters. We still see Luc and Skye in this book but not as much. I really feel.that they should have more Skye and Luc in the story as Skye is the keeper of the Book of Powers and is supposed to keep evil in check. Still a great book all in all. ( )
  Kerriden | Mar 4, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Animal Attraction is the second book in the Kindred Souls series by Patricia Rosemoor. This book is about Detective Ethan Grainger who is called to a park to find a public official dead, killed by an animal. Suspecting a shifter kill, he goes to see his late partner Shade's mate Nuala Lazare, a Kindred who is pregnant. Nuala holds Ethan responsible for Shade’s death.
I really enjoyed Rosemoor's take on shifters. It's so hard to find new material on all the lore out there, sometimes it's hard to distinguish between books so I liked Rosemoor's take on shifters. I also enjoyed the budding relationship between the two main characters, it wasn't too heavy on the angst and guilt. Overall and enjoyable read, like the mix of fantasy and paranormal, will read future additions to this series. ( )
  Reader1984 | Jun 23, 2019 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
This is the second book in the animal series, but the first I have read. I mix of human, magical beings and detective story. I thought parts of the story could have been fleshed out a little to make a more substantial read, the romance was of course, predictable. Overall a good story that the world and characters lend thrmselves to many future books. ( )
  TinaC1 | Dec 25, 2018 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
This was a decent book. I found the book to be predictable, however overall I enjoyed the read. The characters were engaging. I believe I will read the next book in the series. ( )
  middleman66 | Dec 20, 2018 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
This is the first book I have read by this author. This is an interesting world. Ethan is a human and a cop riddled with guilt about his brother and his partner. If he had just paid more attention, maybe he could have prevented their deaths. Nuala is Kindred and was his partner's woman. She is having his baby and can't stand the sight of Ethan. She is sure that he could have prevented the death. She has to blame someone. As Ethan and Nuala spend more time together, they both realize they were wrong about a lot of things. When faced with losing Nuala, Ethan has to become something else to save her and her baby. Will it change everything? ( )
  jadavid | Dec 19, 2018 |
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Detective Ethan Grainger is horrified when a public official is found dead in the park, killed by an animal. He immediately fears it's a shifter kill and heads for The Ark, where he seeks out Nuala Lazare, a Kindred pregnant by Ethan's late partner Shade. He'd come to terms with Chicago's supernatural underground, but because Nuala holds him responsible for Shade's death-and because he is attracted to her-he's avoided her until now. Ethan is the last man Nuala wants to see, and she has enough to deal with being near term and realizing her fatherless child will be a half-breed like her brother Luc, who experienced tremendous prejudice and guilt while growing up. She plans to move from The Ark to live like a human for her daughter. Ethan must keep Shade's child from being corrupted by the criminal element of the Kindred Lazare clan. Which means he must get close to Nuala-not an easy task. As they get to know each other, their attraction becomes unbearable. Will Ethan keep his loyalty to ...

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Le livre Animal Attraction de Patricia Rosemoor était disponible sur LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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Patricia Rosemoor est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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