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The Legacy of Buchanan's Crossing

par Rhea Rhodan

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742,431,834 (4.5)Aucun

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I love this author! Both her books have had two of my favorite heroines of late! Great heroes too! Hurry up and write more, please! :) ( )
  Rhiannon.Mistwalker | Aug 19, 2022 |
I love this author! Both her books have had two of my favorite heroines of late! Great heroes too! Hurry up and write more, please! :) ( )
  PNRList | Aug 15, 2018 |
Rhea Rhodan has a gift for creating unique, unforgettable characters in her books--and those in The Legacy of Buchanan's Crossing are no exception! I won't reiterate the plot, as there are several reviewers that have done a nice job already. What I will say is that this was quite fun to read and well-worth every page-turning minute. ( )
  ClarissaJohal | Apr 25, 2015 |
I'm a fan of Rhea Rhodan after reading Finding Grace--a page turner with heat--so I was eager to read her next novel, The Legacy of Buchanan's Crossing. I wasn't disappointed. Being a paranormal romance, the story is completely different, and that is what I enjoyed so much about it. The heroine, Cayden, is smart, independent, and a big, beautiful woman. (Nice to see in a lead character, for a change.) She's a witch determined to preserve Buchanan's Crossing--not only a place of great power and healing energy for the earth, but her ancestral home--and keep it out of the clutches of an evil developer who wants it for his own terrible purposes.

The relationship between Cayden and Clint, owner of Green Man Construction, an environmental builder, is fun and full of heat. (Rhodan writes the romantic interludes so well and manages to convey the meanings without being salacious, and I really appreciate that.) Clint, who feels a strange attraction to the goth, Rubenesque Cayden--a woman clearly not his usual type--becomes immersed in her world and kind of seems a little dense at times. But that's not his fault. He's just figuring things out. (He is just a man, after all.)

The character Nevermore was very funny and clever. The story took unexpected turns--another thing I appreciate in a novel--and the ending wrapped things up nicely. Very well done. ( )
  mclesh | Sep 2, 2014 |
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