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Unsolicited Advice

par Melinda Di Lorenzo

Séries: Between the Sheets (3)

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1861,225,447 (3.72)1
Récemment ajouté parllewgreen, DebbyeC, jemerritt, moranmc

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Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I have not received this book so that I could review it. I was supposed to receive it as a part of Library Thing's Early Reviewers group.
  ladyoflorien | May 26, 2019 |
Heidi takes pride in helping the clueless. What happens when the woman with all the advice is the person who needs it most? Unsolicited Advice is a barrel of laughs with a huge quantity of heart. Ms. Di Lorenzo takes a hot mess and transforms it into a work of art. William is a charmer but he's so pushover. He's a straight shooter except in matters of the heart. Heidi all the answers, but is she answering the right questions when it comes to her own life? A sweetly crafted introspective read. ( )
  Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Happy, romantic and fun
4 stars

This is the first Melinda Di Lorenzo book that I have read and, as it would appear, the third in a series. But fear not, I can confirm that not only does this book stand completely alone - Ms Di Lorenzo’s writing style is fun and interesting, and her storytelling, engaging and damned hilarious.

We kick off the story right at the start of the action. William, our British hero on a mission, is found sans trousers in our heroine, Heidi’s, back garden causing much alarm and only a little bit of lust! Despite going right into the action, it took until the pair were on their road trip for me to really get into the story. I enjoyed the first two or so chapters but once the pair got going, that’s when I didn’t want to put the book down and found myself thinking about it when I was supposed to be doing other things like working and sleeping.

Normally I avoid contemporary books where one of the pair is British. It just gives me the cringe when people over egg the jolly good, alright old chap, British folk. I’m happy to say that William was not one of those characters. Sure he used Britishisms - which we Brits probably don’t even realise are Britishisms - but he wasn’t over the top and I felt he was realistic. My only complaint on his Britishness was that there was a specific mention of him not understanding miles since he was British. Nope - we use miles, too. :)

Heidi was just great. Loved her. She was a normal girl yet she had her quirks and issues. I can’t say I have any clinical knowledge of these things but I did find myself saying “me, too” to a lot of things. But my favourite part was the way that William behaved towards Heidi. He was there for her, sure, but he wanted her to be happy for her. It was #relationshipgoals.

As well as the absolute cuteness of the developing relationship (which was slightly steamy if not scorching), the book was laugh out loud funny. And real laugh out loud. Kind of snorty, puff of breath laughing. The banter. Oh, how I love me some banter.

And there were little twists and turns along the way of the book that I didn’t see coming. Not mysteries as such, but plays on words that when revealed, I had to tip my hat to. Clever.

A few typos and wrong words were smattered about the book but overall, this is a fantastic story by an author that I’ll definitely be looking out for more of. I loved Heidi and William’s story and I’m not ashamed to admit that I felt a wee bit teary at the end. Sigh. 4 stars. ( )
  joreadsromance | May 6, 2018 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
OK, I *LOVED* this book. The premise was so clever, and the characters were well developed and delightful to spend time with. The plot twists weren't as predictable as I would've imagined, which is rare for a book in this genre! I just loved the chemistry and witty remarks that flew between the two main characters. I will definitely be looking for more from this author! ( )
  liznorell | Apr 12, 2018 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
This is the second book I have read in this series and I really enjoyed this one. This was a quick, fun and easy to read romantic comedy type book. I liked the interaction between William and Heidi and laughed a few times out loud. I normally like to read books in order but I do not think that is needed for this services. If you are looking for a good, funny romance I highly suggest this one. ( )
  lulu150 | Mar 12, 2018 |
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Le livre Unsolicited Advice de Melinda Di Lorenzo était disponible sur LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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