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The Wolf's Shadow

par Cecilia Dominic

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1831,225,447 (4.38)Aucun
One bad choice cost me my job. Another one could take a bite out of my heart.I was about to solve the puzzle of the latest childhood disorder du jour ¿ Chronic Lycanthropy Syndrome ¿ when my lab went up in flames, my job went down the tubes, and my lover went back to his ex.When I found out my grandfather left me his multi-million-dollar estate in the rugged Ozark Mountains in his will, I thought my luck was turning. But my inheritance came with a few problems that go way beyond layers of dust and creaky floors: kids in the area that go missing during full moons, a mysterious death, and a band of werewolves who consider the property their own private hunting ground.I¿ll have to do more than face my research again to solve the mysteries of Wolfsbane Manor and stop a horrific epidemic. I¿ll have to risk love, friendship, and the only true family I have left. And possibly doom myself to the fate that killed my twin brother.Warning: Contains a sweet romance with just the right touch of naughty, and calorie-free food that¿ll feed your heart, not your waistline.… (plus d'informations)

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When epidemiologist Joanie Fisher’s life is thrown into a rather terrifying knot of confusion, the last thing she expects is to come into an inheritance from her recently deceased grandfather. What’s even more unexpected is the streak of missing children that, oddly enough, is happening in the same town in which her grandfather just mysteriously died in. To make matters even worse, it seems what’s happening in the town may just be tied to research she had been doing before her lab burned down. When too many coincidences begin making more sense, Joanie must come to terms with a surprising truth… I enjoyed the more medical-based perspective on lycanthropy that showed in this book and found the premise of this series intriguing. ( )
  AVG9 | Apr 30, 2022 |
This book was phenomenal. I found that once I started reading, I didn't want to put it down. Dr. Joanie Fisher is having a rough life when she learns that her grandfather is believed to have passed away so her life is changed overnight. She has more many than she could have dreamed of and a manor at the top of the hill in a small little town that has a myster....missing children. Joanie's research is on CLS (Chronic Lycanthropy Syndrome). With the aid of her friend Lonna, and a couple of men with CLS, she throws herself into figuring out what is going on and why because all trails lead back to trouble. The author wrote a story that has kind of a scary plot considering we are coming off covid and the vaccines. Who knows what gets put in vaccinations. Big Pharma is always suspicious. That gave the story a really great mysterious edge. I had a hard time guessing who was truly behind it. Every time I thought I figured it out...wrong! Thrills, chills, and little suspense. Yes, it's an urban fantasy that has terrific characters. Lonna and Kayla felt like spoiled brats. Joannie was pretty strong for all she went through. Lots of betrayal. The old adage was true in this story: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I enjoyed the plot running smoothly. This is is book 1 of the series. I am highly recommending the series. ( )
  Shelly.Kittell | Apr 23, 2022 |
The main character was personable and easy to relate to. The plot was fun, and twisty at times. The pace and writing were good. The setting was well described. ( )
  BridgitDavis | Oct 30, 2021 |
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One bad choice cost me my job. Another one could take a bite out of my heart.I was about to solve the puzzle of the latest childhood disorder du jour ¿ Chronic Lycanthropy Syndrome ¿ when my lab went up in flames, my job went down the tubes, and my lover went back to his ex.When I found out my grandfather left me his multi-million-dollar estate in the rugged Ozark Mountains in his will, I thought my luck was turning. But my inheritance came with a few problems that go way beyond layers of dust and creaky floors: kids in the area that go missing during full moons, a mysterious death, and a band of werewolves who consider the property their own private hunting ground.I¿ll have to do more than face my research again to solve the mysteries of Wolfsbane Manor and stop a horrific epidemic. I¿ll have to risk love, friendship, and the only true family I have left. And possibly doom myself to the fate that killed my twin brother.Warning: Contains a sweet romance with just the right touch of naughty, and calorie-free food that¿ll feed your heart, not your waistline.

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