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Noble Secrets

par Cecilia Dominic

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A dangerous man from her past. A handsome duke in her present. Secrets that threaten their future. After tragedy hits and danger moves in, Pauline Danahue flees London, searching for sanctuary and a way to start over. A job at a small university becomes the perfect refuge. Her new life's mission -- keeping recalcitrant professor, Edward Bailey, on task after a shattered heart renders him broken and destroyed. But Fate isn't done with Pauline. The same vicious man from her past sets his malicious sights on her, shattering her safe haven. Christopher Bailey, the Duke of Waltham doesn't see an escape from a broken past and a lifetime of mistakes until he meets alluring commoner Pauline Danahue. Christopher finds himself helpless against Miss Danahue's exceptional charm, but as their love blossoms, danger closes in, threatening Pauline and Christopher's lives. Together, they are forced to face their biggest fears, revealing secrets that could ruin them both. Noble Secrets is the pr...… (plus d'informations)

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The plot and setting of this story made this a thoroughly enjoyable read. The romance was sweet with interesting eddies. The characters were well drawn. The pace and writing were good. ( )
  BridgitDavis | Jul 22, 2021 |
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A dangerous man from her past. A handsome duke in her present. Secrets that threaten their future. After tragedy hits and danger moves in, Pauline Danahue flees London, searching for sanctuary and a way to start over. A job at a small university becomes the perfect refuge. Her new life's mission -- keeping recalcitrant professor, Edward Bailey, on task after a shattered heart renders him broken and destroyed. But Fate isn't done with Pauline. The same vicious man from her past sets his malicious sights on her, shattering her safe haven. Christopher Bailey, the Duke of Waltham doesn't see an escape from a broken past and a lifetime of mistakes until he meets alluring commoner Pauline Danahue. Christopher finds himself helpless against Miss Danahue's exceptional charm, but as their love blossoms, danger closes in, threatening Pauline and Christopher's lives. Together, they are forced to face their biggest fears, revealing secrets that could ruin them both. Noble Secrets is the pr...

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