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Work Like Nature: Sustainability lessons from ecosystems for your job or business

par Lea Elliott

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Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
"Work Like Nature, Sustainability lessons from ecosystems for your job or business" by Lea Elliott is an informative primer for the ecologically unaware. Elliot provides numerous examples of how individuals and business have adapted environmentally friendly practices to reduce or eliminate environmental damage. She invites the reader to think-outside-the-box and take a systems approach to problems of pollution and environmental damage. Demonstrating how a single change can have a ripple effect through a community or ecosystem (such as the well know Sea Otter/Sea Urchin imbalance). Positive and negative impacts are demonstrated and give the reader models for our own lifestyles, and much to thin about. How can one influence change by responsible actions, and passing information along or creating innovative means to reduce man's impact on an already overtaxed environment. I would have like to see more development of the specific planning process and more how-to guides. Fortunately there are more data on her website for your further study. ( )
  difreda | Aug 10, 2016 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
This non-fiction work cleverly weaves together the author's personal anecdotes, research, information and descriptions of solutions in the community. The topic is complex and challenging but the author manages to create a resource simple enough for anyone to understand and use.
I received this as a LibraryThing Member GiveAway. Thank you. ( )
  BridgitDavis | Jul 11, 2016 |
This was a fascinating and inspiring book, full of great ideas and research into current innovations modeled on systems and processes in nature. Instead of working against nature, we can work the way nature does to make full use of the life-cycle of resources including what we consider waste, build community, mprove harvests, and help the planet. The concept is almost ridiculously simple in its effectiveness and will infuse you with hope and enthusiasm. The personal stories at the beginning of each chapter introduce the author's personal connection with the subject she's about to explore and gives the book an engaging, personal feel in conjunction with her obvious scientific research and authority.
  DJMacKwan | Jun 14, 2016 |
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