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Pour échapper à sa propre famille, Albert s'incruste au baptême de Franny, la fille d'un collègue et tombe sous le charme de Bervely, son épouse. Les années ont passé et Albert et Beverly se marient. Chaque été, leurs enfants se retrouvent tous chez eux, en Virginie, formant une petite tribu avide de liberté. Mais un drame fait voler en éclats les liens de cette fratrie recomposée.… (plus d'informations)
BookshelfMonstrosity: These literate family sagas follow American Catholic families through the decades. Commonwealth portrays two families that break apart and come back together in new combinations, while the drama in After This stems from a changing world.… (plus d'informations)
I just couldn’t connect to this book. It got better for a moment but did not sustain my attention or interest. Unfortunately it was a dud for me. Perhaps the tragedy of reading 2 back to back 5 ⭐️s...it just couldn’t hold a candle. ( )
I began half-way through. A very intwined plot. Did she begin and put it out to be paid to finish and while waiting for the commission she kept imagining the action and the various characters??? 21:05:24
I enjoy Patchett's writing style very much and thus enjoyed this story of a large blended family. I liked what I read and wished only for more POV from characters that didn't get a large spotlight but were still part of the family. ( )
...spans over 50 years, and the stories of how these children move uncertainly into adulthood — and how their parents adjust to the misfortunes that accrue — are painfully beautiful. (I went from bristling to weeping at 3 a.m.) Escaping the cage of your childhood can be one of the sublime miracles of growing up, though it sometimes requires more tools than the average jailbreak.
Patchett sucker-punches you, but leaves you feeling you had it coming – whether for underestimating her, or her characters, or humanity, is hard to say.
In particular, Commonwealth is one of the most discerning novels about siblings I can recall. One pair of stepsiblings share an equivocal bond: “In that sense the two of them had been a team, albeit a team neither one of them wanted to be on.”
L'ambiance de la fête de baptême a changé quand Albert Cousins a fait son apparition avec du gin. [...]
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Half the things in this life I wish I could remember and the other half I wish I could forget.
The priest, whose mind was wandering like the Jews in the desert, tried to focus again on his sermon
You could see just a trace of the daughter there, the way she held her shoulders back, the length of her neck. It was a crime what time did to women.
When the six of them were together they looked more like a day camp than a family, random children dropped off on the same curb.
Caroline was a lot angrier than the rest of them. It was there in her voice all the time. Then again, it could have been that Cal was the angriest and his anger just manifested itself in different ways.
Heinrich had always thought there was something German about her, the yellow hair, the clear blue ice of her eyes, but Americans were never Germans. Americans were mutts, all of them.
Franny had her arm around Leo Posen's waist as she steered the course between the dark icebergs of her tables.
Now here he was, as thin and as quiet as a knife.
But when the toilets stopped flushing and the showers went dry, well, that was intolerable. Everyone agreed the water bill had to be paid on time.
It was after Cal died that her mother finally lost her freckles, as if even they had abandoned her.
Without the buzzing overhead lights the sunlight fell down the walls and across the linoleum tiles, collecting in watery pools around their feet.
Albie's bicycle was an amalgamation of so many different replacement parts it could no longer rightfully be called a Schwinn.
When he arrived at his destination, he lifted his bike onto his shoulder like it was his younger brother and carried it with him into the elevator.
He was a living skeleton with his black tattoos and his thick black braid, like Death himself had come for them, ready to ride them out on his handlebars.
All those stories go with you, Franny thought, closing her eyes. All the things I didn't listen to, won't remember, never got right, wasn't around for.
She picked it up, even though nothing good ever came from answering the phone in the middle of the night.
By the time the plane landed at Charles de Gualle she had aged twenty years. Prosecutors should insist the trials of murderers and drug lords be held in economy class on crowded transatlantic flights, where any suspect would confess to any crime in exchanges for the promise of a soft bed in a dark, quiet room. Off the plane, stiff and slow, she shuffled into the river of life: the roll-aboard suitcases trailing behind the cell-phone-talkers like obedient dogs, everyone walking with such assurance that it never occurred to her not to follow them.
She eased her heels out of the backs of her shoes even though she knew it was a mistake. Her feet would expand like bread dough and she would never be able to cram them back in.
Teresa looked back and forth between Bert and the pretty ring on her hand and thought she must be emitting light from her entire body she loved him so much.
"For the vast majority of the people on this planet," Fix had said, "the thing that's going to kill them is already on the inside."
Franny, half asleep on top of the bedspread beside her husband, was unable to map out all the ways the future would unravel without the moorings of the past.
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Pour échapper à sa propre famille, Albert s'incruste au baptême de Franny, la fille d'un collègue et tombe sous le charme de Bervely, son épouse. Les années ont passé et Albert et Beverly se marient. Chaque été, leurs enfants se retrouvent tous chez eux, en Virginie, formant une petite tribu avide de liberté. Mais un drame fait voler en éclats les liens de cette fratrie recomposée.
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