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The New Advisor Guidebook: Mastering the Art of Academic Advising

par Pat Folsom

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This is an exciting time to be an academic advisor-a time in which global recognition of the importance of advising is growing, research affirms the critical role advising plays in student success, and institutions of higher education increasingly view advising as integral to their missions and essential for improving the quality of students' educational experiences. It is essential that advisors provide knowledgeable, realistic counsel to the students in their charge. The New Advisor Guidebook helps advisors meet this challenge. The first and final chapters of the book identify the knowledg… (plus d'informations)

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This informative text provides a comprehensive overview of the college advising process. This is an essential resource for those new to academic advising, whether they are full-time or faculty advisors. A detailed chart identifies what new advisors should know by the end of their first year in the role and where their professional development should be within three years. The book goes into detail about the conceptual, informational, and relational components of advising. Explanation is provided about how to conduct advisory sessions for individuals and groups. Online advising is also addressed. Direction is given on how to translate theory into practice. Case studies and professional development exercises are included throughout the book. This guidebook should be required reading for anyone newly appointed to the role of academic advisor. ( )
  mitchellray | Jan 18, 2016 |
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This is an exciting time to be an academic advisor-a time in which global recognition of the importance of advising is growing, research affirms the critical role advising plays in student success, and institutions of higher education increasingly view advising as integral to their missions and essential for improving the quality of students' educational experiences. It is essential that advisors provide knowledgeable, realistic counsel to the students in their charge. The New Advisor Guidebook helps advisors meet this challenge. The first and final chapters of the book identify the knowledg

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