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A night divided par Jennifer A. Nielsen

A night divided (original 2015; édition 2015)

par Jennifer A. Nielsen

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,5574811,826 (4.19)29
Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

From New York Times bestselling author Jennifer A. Nielsen comes a stunning thriller about a girl who must escape to freedom after the Berlin Wall divides her family between east and west. With the rise of the Berlin Wall, twelve-year-old Gerta finds her family suddenly divided. She, her mother, and her brother Fritz live on the eastern side, controlled by the Soviets. Her father and middle brother, who had gone west in search of work, cannot return home. Gerta knows it is dangerous to watch the wall, to think forbidden thoughts of freedom, yet she can't help herself. She sees the East German soldiers with their guns trained on their own citizens; she, her family, her neighbors and friends are prisoners in their own city. But one day, while on her way to school, Gerta spots her father on a viewing platform on the western side, pantomiming a peculiar dance. Then, when she receives a mysterious drawing, Gerta puts two and two together and concludes that her father wants Gerta and Fritz to tunnel beneath the wall, out of East Berlin. However, if they are caught, the consequences will be deadly. No one can be trusted. Will Gerta and her family find their way to freedom?

.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:A night divided
Auteurs:Jennifer A. Nielsen
Info:New York : Scholastic Press, 2015.
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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A Night Divided par Jennifer A. Nielsen (2015)


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» Voir aussi les 29 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 48 (suivant | tout afficher)
Spent a while looking for this one. Read it in school. Good book. ( )
  3starzard | Jul 22, 2024 |
Wow, this book had me holding my breath! Gerta, her two brothers, and her parents live in East Berlin. Her father and brother go to West Berlin in search for a new home and job for the family. However, Gerta's world is turned upside down when the Berlin wall appears overnight, forever dividing her family into two. Four years go by, and Gerta sees her brother and father on the other side of the fence. After Fritz (Gerta's oldest brother) gets in trouble with the secret police and will be forced to join the military at the end of the month, Gerta and her older brother are determined dig a tunnel to West Berlin and reunite their family. In order to do this, they must avoid nosey neighbors, the secret policy, and hidden spies who want nothing more than to take down any "betrayers". I really liked this book! It was full of suspense, sadness, and perseverance. It is very interesting to see this historical event through the eyes of a 10-year-old till she is 14 years old. Gerta is a head strong girl who at times is fearless. She is battling between reuniting her family and almost dying for betraying her government at a very young age. At times, she feels hopeless and that makes her very relatable to the reader (even though she is in a different time period and much different circumstance). This book will have readers holding their breath and reading as fast as they can to see if Gerta and her family get reunited in West Berlin! I would recommend this books for upper elementary and middle school students. ( )
  amydalin | Jul 16, 2024 |
This is a book that will absolutely not be rushed, which I both liked and disliked. While there is something to be said for depicting the tediousness of life in East Berlin, to say nothing of digging a tunnel, I wish they had spent more time on relationships. For me, the best parts, the most interesting tensions, came from the interpersonal struggles of characters trying to decide how to live behind the wall. The tunnel digging, in and of itself, didn't create enough forward momentum until the last 50 pages or so. ( )
  Library_Guard | Jun 17, 2024 |
I read this book along with my grandaughter reading it. I found the most interesting aspect the details of life in East Berlin behind the Berlin Wall. I also appreciated the quote that began each chapter, although I disagreed with some of them. However, the situation in Berlin at this time was very similar to many incidents we are now experiencing in the United States. I also was not pleased that nothing was said regarding the plight of the Jews in the Holocaust. There were too many repetitive details concerning the digging of the escape tunnel. ( )
  suesbooks | Aug 13, 2023 |
Oh man, this is such a great book! Very very exciting, full of danger and suspense and keeps you hooked till the last chapter. I think out of all Jennifer Nielsen's historical fiction, this is probubly my favorite, Lines of Courage coming up pretty close. I think anyone and everyone should read this! I love it so so much!!😍 ( )
  MollyGroff | May 24, 2022 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 48 (suivant | tout afficher)
[starred review of audio edition] Gr 5-8 – This work follows the brave journey of 12-year-old Gerta and her older brother, Fritz, as they try to leave East Berlin. ... Kate Simses’s reading is fast-paced, emotionally charged, and exciting. Her voice is clear and age-appropriate for the characters depicted. VERDICT This excellent work of historical fiction is suspenseful, realistic, and enthralling.
... (ages 8-12) Gerta’s family is divided into East and West after the Berlin Wall goes up practically overnight.... Gerta, her mother and her brother Fritz remain on the east side in their home, while her father and middle brother are trapped on the west side.... This take on life in Germany after World War II is interesting and timely given the immigration crises in the United States and parts of Europe today. ... "A Night Divided" is interesting in spite of some confusing decisions by Gerta and her mother, as well as some pacing issues. ... The ending in particular had some moments that didn’t feel natural or felt a bit contrived to increase tension. ...
Four years after the Berlin Wall went up, in 1961, 12-year-old Gerta Lowe is eager for freedom and to reunite her family. ... One day, she sees her father on a platform overlooking the wall, and she realizes he’s trying to send her a message: dig a tunnel! With the help of Fritz, the two siblings plan carefully, overcome dangerous obstacles, and then face the toughest task of all: convincing their mother to escape with them. ...the story’s palpable tension and stark details of daily life in Communist East Germany will hold readers’ interest. ... Though historical novels may not appeal to every reader, this is equally a story of pressure and friendship, suspicion and strength, forgiveness and understanding.
ajouté par CourtyardSchool | modifierBooklist, Vol. 111, Issue 22, Page 68, Jeanne Fredriksen (Aug 1, 2015)
Gr 5-8 – It’s August 13, 1961. Young Gerta wakes up to see that the Berlin Wall has been built overnight, dividing not only her city but her family. ... Nielsen, best known for her fantasy novels, proves she is equally skilled at historical fiction.... VERDICT The novel’s strong setting and tense climax will keep readers engrossed and holding their breath until the last page.
ajouté par CourtyardSchool | modifierSchool Library Journal, Vol. 61, Issue 7, Pages 80-81, Marybeth Kozikowski (Jul 1, 2015)
A family is separated overnight when East Berlin erects the Berlin Wall. ... Based on historical fact, the story shines a personal light on the many families who were separated by the division of the two cities. ... As Greta, her other older brother, Fritz, and eventually their mother dig the tunnel, enduring hunger, exhaustion, and risking detection, readers will root for them with every shovelful. However, when the diggers realize the noise they hear is their father digging from the other side and that their tunnels are now only feet apart, instead of pushing through and running to freedom, they decide that they should stop and reinforce the tunnels. This decision seems ludicrous. Further implausible decisions ramp up the tension, but they also ramp up readers’ frustration levels.... Begins wonderfully; ends melodramatically. (Historical fiction. 9-12)
ajouté par CourtyardSchool | modifierKirkus Reviews (Jun 6, 2015)

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Jennifer A. Nielsenauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
O'Brien, TimArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Truly, it is in darkness that one finds the light. -Meister Eckhart, German philosopher
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There was no warning the night the wall went up.
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

From New York Times bestselling author Jennifer A. Nielsen comes a stunning thriller about a girl who must escape to freedom after the Berlin Wall divides her family between east and west. With the rise of the Berlin Wall, twelve-year-old Gerta finds her family suddenly divided. She, her mother, and her brother Fritz live on the eastern side, controlled by the Soviets. Her father and middle brother, who had gone west in search of work, cannot return home. Gerta knows it is dangerous to watch the wall, to think forbidden thoughts of freedom, yet she can't help herself. She sees the East German soldiers with their guns trained on their own citizens; she, her family, her neighbors and friends are prisoners in their own city. But one day, while on her way to school, Gerta spots her father on a viewing platform on the western side, pantomiming a peculiar dance. Then, when she receives a mysterious drawing, Gerta puts two and two together and concludes that her father wants Gerta and Fritz to tunnel beneath the wall, out of East Berlin. However, if they are caught, the consequences will be deadly. No one can be trusted. Will Gerta and her family find their way to freedom?


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