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El Deafo par Cece Bell

El Deafo (édition 2014)

par Cece Bell (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
3,0743674,620 (4.34)133
Comic and Graphic Books. Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:A 2015 Newbery Honor Book & New York Times bestseller!
Going to school and making new friends can be tough. But going to school and making new friends while wearing a bulky hearing aid strapped to your chest? That requires superpowers! In this funny, poignant graphic novel memoir, author/illustrator Cece Bell chronicles her hearing loss at a young age and her subsequent experiences with the Phonic Ear, a very powerfuland very awkwardhearing aid.
The Phonic Ear gives Cece the ability to hearsometimes things she shouldn'tbut also isolates her from her classmates. She really just wants to fit in and find a true friend, someone who appreciates her as she is. After some trouble, she is finally able to harness the power of the Phonic Ear and become "El Deafo, Listener for All." And more importantly, declare a place for herself in the world and find the friend she's longed for.
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:El Deafo
Auteurs:Cece Bell (Auteur)
Info:Harry N. Abrams (2014), 248 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:graphic novel

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El Deafo par Cece Bell


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» Voir aussi les 133 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 366 (suivant | tout afficher)
Read to accompany my granddaughter. I enjoyed this book and it corresponded well to some other adult books I have read about the hearing impaired. I never stop learning. ( )
  beebeereads | Sep 11, 2024 |
After a childhood brush with meningitis, Cece can no longer hear without using special supports. But when she does have her hearing aids in at school, she can pick up on little sounds throughout the day that no one else hears -- making her feel like a superhero she dubs "El Deafo"! Still, can she find a true and meaningful friendship with any of her schoolmates when she feels so different from everyone else?

This book is great for kids who enjoy other graphic memoirs like Sisters by Raina Telgemeier and Real Friends by Shannon Hale. While the author's deafness is obviously a key component, the underlying theme is really about friendship and fitting in -- and who can't relate to that?

I think this book suffered a tiny bit for me just because I had heard a lot of praise about it before finally picking it up, so it didn't quite live up to its reputation. But it was an enjoyable, quick read, with fun and engaging illustrations. ( )
  sweetiegherkin | Aug 18, 2024 |
This graphic novel is a semi-autobiographical story but also falls under the modern fantasy category, specifically animal fantasy because the characters in the book are all portrayed as adorable rabbits. At the back of the book, there is a note from the author that explains that this book is based on her childhood and the secret nickname she gave herself (El Deafo). She explains that while it is based on real experiences, it is mostly based on feelings and how she felt as a deaf kid amongst other kids who could hear. It focuses on differences, but also how those differences can also be superpowers.

This is the story of young Cece, who at the age of 4, after getting meningitis, loses her hearing. She gets a hearing aid, starts to learn how to read lips, and goes to school where she is in a class with other deaf students. This is going kind of okay…until she finds out her family is moving. After moving, she gets a newer more powerful hearing aid, the “Phonic Ear”, and will be at a new school, but will no longer be in a class with other deaf students. Cece navigates finding friends and fitting in and this is not an easy process for any kid, but Cece also feels like her differences make her feel lonely. As she faces these challenges, Cece transforms into a superhero, El Deafo. These dream sequences always have clouds around the cells to showcase which cells are dreams. El Deafo conquers enemies, finds love, true friends, and ultimately herself. ( )
  bevsmev | Jul 14, 2024 |
Written by a deaf/hearing impaired author
El Deafo
Bell, Cece
Harry N. Abrams (2014), Edition: 1, 248 pages
This is one of the funniest graphic novels ever! It's such a great story and doesn't take itself to seriously. Every kid needs to read this! ( )
  llwarren | Jun 4, 2024 |
This book is perfect for 4th grade and up students. This book also is perfect for anyone who suffers from hearing loss. It is a very inspirational book and it teaches kids that having a disability is not a bad thing but instead it is their own superpower. This book shows a lot of character growth. I would have this in my future classroom
  amills21 | Apr 24, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 366 (suivant | tout afficher)
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Cece Bellauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Lasky, DavidColoristauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Keegan, CaitlinConcepteur de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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For George and Barbara Bell, parents extraordinaire
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I was a regular little kid.
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Comic and Graphic Books. Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:A 2015 Newbery Honor Book & New York Times bestseller!
Going to school and making new friends can be tough. But going to school and making new friends while wearing a bulky hearing aid strapped to your chest? That requires superpowers! In this funny, poignant graphic novel memoir, author/illustrator Cece Bell chronicles her hearing loss at a young age and her subsequent experiences with the Phonic Ear, a very powerfuland very awkwardhearing aid.
The Phonic Ear gives Cece the ability to hearsometimes things she shouldn'tbut also isolates her from her classmates. She really just wants to fit in and find a true friend, someone who appreciates her as she is. After some trouble, she is finally able to harness the power of the Phonic Ear and become "El Deafo, Listener for All." And more importantly, declare a place for herself in the world and find the friend she's longed for.

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