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Deadly Diamonds: A Novel (Knight and Devlin Thriller)

par John F. Dobbyn

Séries: Knight and Devlin (4)

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Fiction. Thriller. HTML:

What do Boston, Dublin, and Sierra Leone have in common? The movement of blood diamonds at enormous profit but grave human expense: mafia killings in Boston and Ireland and child enslavement and murder in Sierra Leone. And who is ensnared in the middle of all of this Michael Knight and Lex Devlin. Can they stop the enormously profitable trade of these tainted jewels? They must come between the Italian mafia in North Boston and the Irish mafia in South Boston including some remnants of the IRA in Ireland. They must also pit themselves against the enslaved and deadly child-army in Sierra Leone, who smuggle these diamonds into the mainstream for cash to buy weapons and drugs. At great personal risk, Knight and Devlin struggle to find a solution that satisfies this disparate combination of characters and, hopefully, dampens the diamond flow.

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Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
An intriguing title, a memorable cast of characters, unique countries, all these qualities come smashing together in Deadly Diamonds. I knew very little about diamonds in Africa. The deplorable conditions humans suffer are appropriately shared in this book. Dobbyn tackled personalities, tragedy, and travel with an easy reading style. I won this book through Library Thing and enjoy the education and read. ( )
  darlenefranklin | Dec 7, 2013 |
Book Review & Giveaway: We reviewed Black Diamond a while back and I’ve been looking forward to reading another John Dobbyn novel ever since. So I was excited when the publisher sent me Dobbyn’s newest novel in the Knight & Devlin legal thriller series, Deadly Diamonds.

This series features a Boston attorney team who just can’t stay away from trouble despite the best of intentions, and each novel I’ve read has an international element to it. Deadly Diamonds is no exception. Before you get concerned about this being a series, each one I’ve read works quite nicely as a stand-alone read. And to make it even better, they sent us two copies that we’re featuring in today’s book giveaway! Enter to win a copy at ( )
  PopcornReads | Sep 24, 2013 |
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Fiction. Thriller. HTML:

What do Boston, Dublin, and Sierra Leone have in common? The movement of blood diamonds at enormous profit but grave human expense: mafia killings in Boston and Ireland and child enslavement and murder in Sierra Leone. And who is ensnared in the middle of all of this Michael Knight and Lex Devlin. Can they stop the enormously profitable trade of these tainted jewels? They must come between the Italian mafia in North Boston and the Irish mafia in South Boston including some remnants of the IRA in Ireland. They must also pit themselves against the enslaved and deadly child-army in Sierra Leone, who smuggle these diamonds into the mainstream for cash to buy weapons and drugs. At great personal risk, Knight and Devlin struggle to find a solution that satisfies this disparate combination of characters and, hopefully, dampens the diamond flow.


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