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Second Chance Boyfriend

par Monica Murphy

Séries: Callahan / Maguire Universe (2 | Drew Callahan + Fable Maguire), One Week Girlfriend (2)

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19328145,987 (3.96)9
Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:From breakout author Monica Murphy comes the exhilarating conclusion to Drew and Fables storythe star-crossed young romance that began in One Week Girlfriend.
Lost. Everything in my life can be summed up by that one sickening word. My football coach blames me for our season-ending losses. So does the rest of the team. I wasted two whole months drowning in my own despair, like a complete loser. And I lost my girlfriendFable Maguire, the only girl who ever matteredbecause I was afraid that being with me would only hurt her.
But now I realize that Im the one whos truly lost without her. And even though she acts like shes moved on and everythings fine, I know she still thinks about me just as much as I think about her. I know her too well. Shes so damn vulnerable, all I want to do is be there to help her . . . to hold her . . . to love her.
I just need her to give me one more chance. We may be lost without each other, but together, were destined to find a love that lasts forever.

BONUS: This edition includes an excerpt from Monica Murphy's Three Broken Promises..
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Affichage de 1-5 de 28 (suivant | tout afficher)
3.5 on this one. ( )
  DebJack | Jul 28, 2023 |
loved it!! ( )
  amandasgoodbooks | Jul 3, 2021 |
I enjoyed this book. I read the first book in this series earlier this year. I really enjoyed that book. This one continues after Fable and Drew return from spending the Thanksgiving holiday with Drew's family. Drew is the rich college boy while Fable is the local poor townie known for being easy. This book started out slow. Drew not contacting Fable which hurts her feelings. Fable continues living and is offered a better paying job and runs into Drew during one of her shifts. They pick up right where they left off after Thanksgiving. Not going to reveal anymore. I enjoyed it and at times I did get annoyed with some of the stuff. I will add the series to one to finish. ( )
  crazy4reading | Oct 16, 2019 |
Oh my gosh guys (fan girl scream!) that was even better than the first one. Don't get me wrong, the first one (One Week Girlfriend) was great, but this one just amazed me :o.

“She is good for me. I'm in love with her”
We start off this book with Fable working at a new job, another bar, but it is a higher class bar so she is paid more. One night Drew and his football buddies come to the bar to celebrate a teammates birthday. She gets in a tiff with one of his friends.

“But you don't disrespect women, Ty.”
Yay! Drew sticks up for her! He is just so sweet guys!

“I could never be over you”
Guys! Drew still isn't over Fable, and guess what? She isn't over him either! After he leaves the bar, he gets stranded without his friends, so he texts her the unavoidable "Marshmellow", I mean, how can she say no to that? So she goes and saves him.

“We fall onto the bed together and I am careful not to land on her since she is so little. And perfect”
And guys, she goes home with him that night! They talk about what happened and Drew explains everything to her! And then they make love and everything goes back to normal...for a little awhile.

“For a passion that's
Able to shine like ours
Blessed are we to
Each other”
And the.he.wrote.this.poem.about.her!!! And tattoed it on him! Guys, I just can't!

“I want you to move in with me”
So I'm sure you remember Fabel's mom, well, she kinda does something bad. Drew volunteers himself for them to live with him!

Oh my gosh guys so much more happens but I just can't tell you! It'll spoil everything and I don't want to do that! Just please read this! You don't know what you are missing! ( )
  payneloverreviews | Sep 17, 2017 |
I enjoyed One Week Girlfriend much better than Second Chance Boyfriend The couple, Fable and Drew, both seemed more mature in OWG than in book #2. I liked them better in book #1 too.

I would think there would/should have been much more fallout after the "big dramatic scene" with Adele, instead we get an immediate HEA...the end. Considering Fabel and Drew's obsessing over everything up to this point the end seemed trite and rushed.

Note: You must read these book in order. Second Chance Boyfriend is written with the assumption that you have read One Week Girlfriend previously. ( )
  CC123 | Aug 10, 2015 |
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Callahan / Maguire Universe (2 | Drew Callahan + Fable Maguire)
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:From breakout author Monica Murphy comes the exhilarating conclusion to Drew and Fables storythe star-crossed young romance that began in One Week Girlfriend.
Lost. Everything in my life can be summed up by that one sickening word. My football coach blames me for our season-ending losses. So does the rest of the team. I wasted two whole months drowning in my own despair, like a complete loser. And I lost my girlfriendFable Maguire, the only girl who ever matteredbecause I was afraid that being with me would only hurt her.
But now I realize that Im the one whos truly lost without her. And even though she acts like shes moved on and everythings fine, I know she still thinks about me just as much as I think about her. I know her too well. Shes so damn vulnerable, all I want to do is be there to help her . . . to hold her . . . to love her.
I just need her to give me one more chance. We may be lost without each other, but together, were destined to find a love that lasts forever.

BONUS: This edition includes an excerpt from Monica Murphy's Three Broken Promises..

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