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Shadow Scale (Seraphina) par Rachel Hartman

Shadow Scale (Seraphina) (édition 2015)

par Rachel Hartman (Auteur)

Séries: Southlands (2), Seraphina (2)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
1,2478215,954 (3.76)78
Fantasy. Historical Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:Seraphina took the literary world by storm with 8 starred reviews and numerous "Best of" lists. At last, her eagerly awaited sequel has arrived--and with it comes an epic battle between humans and dragons.
The kingdom of Goredd: a world where humans and dragons share life with an uneasy balance, and those few who are both human and dragon must hide the truth. Seraphina is one of these, part girl, part dragon, who is reluctantly drawn into the politics of her world. When war breaks out between the dragons and humans, she must travel the lands to find those like herself--for she has an inexplicable connection to all of them, and together they will be able to fight the dragons in powerful, magical ways.

As Seraphina gathers this motley crew, she is pursued by humans who want to stop her. But the most terrifying is another half dragon, who can creep into people's minds and take them over. Until now, Seraphina has kept her mind safe from intruders, but that also means she's held back her own gift. It is time to make a choice: Cling to the safety of her old life, or embrace a powerful new destiny?

Praise for Seraphina:

A New York Times Bestseller
An Indie Bestseller
Winner of the William C. Morris Debut Award
Winner of the Cybil Award for Teen Fantasy and Science Fiction
An Amazon Top 20 Teen Book of the Year
A Chicago Public Library Best Book of the Year
A Kirkus Reviews Best Teen Book of the Year
A School Library Journal Best Book of the Year
A Library Journal Best Young Adult Literature for Adults Selection
A Booklist Editors' Choice
An ABA New Voices Pick
A Publishers Weekly Flying Start Author
An ALA-ALSC Notable Children's Book
An ALA-YALSA Top Ten Best Fiction for Young Adults Book
Recipient of 8 Starred Reviews

"Beautifully written, well-rounded characters, and some of the most interesting dragons I've read in fantasy for a long while. An impressive debut novel; I can't wait to see what Rachel Hartman writes next."
--Christopher Paolini, New York Times bestselling author of Eragon

"A novel that will appeal to both fans of Christopher Paolini's Eragon series and Robin McKinley's The Hero and the Crown."
--Entertainment Weekly.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Shadow Scale (Seraphina)
Auteurs:Rachel Hartman (Auteur)
Info:Random House Books for Young Readers (2015), 608 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque
Mots-clés:E-Audiobook, Boundless, YA, Feminist Science Fiction/Fantasy, Adventure, Dragons, TIOLI, 2024

Information sur l'oeuvre

Shadow Scale par Rachel Hartman


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» Voir aussi les 78 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 82 (suivant | tout afficher)
This is the “companion” (i.e., sequel) to Seraphina. It’s brilliant! The author stealthily weaves in many of today’s current issues. I love Seraphina’s character—gracious, forgiving, and compassionate—qualities often attributed to Saints. 😉 P.S. I’m now following the author and the narrator. Well done again, Mandy Williams! ( )
  TraSea | Apr 29, 2024 |
This was better than I expected---the power of low expectations strikes again. Consistently interesting, and more thoughtful than the previous book about relationships between the ityasaari. Way too long, though. Maybe should have been two books.

I'm so into the faux-catholic religion and its weird faux-catholic quirks. ( )
  caedocyon | Feb 23, 2024 |
I did like it, but wow maybe it should've just been Seraphina and that's it. ( )
  sweetimpact | Jan 18, 2024 |
This book was long, but I was into it. Where Seraphina is a coming-of-age novel, Shadow Scale is a satisfying adventure story told on a grand scale. I really enjoyed the worldbuilding, particularly our visit to Porphyry, a city-state that vaguely evokes Roman North Africa and is home to a diaspora community of dragons. Seraphina, too, has a nuanced emotional journey that is more outward-looking than in the first novel.

The one element I found disappointing was the character of Jannoula, who is so very effective in the early chapters of the novel but less compelling later on. Nevertheless, the events she sets in motion make for some fun intrigue and a denouement that's pleasingly mythological in scope.

I love the energy of the romance—slow-burn, courtly, and restrained, it pushes the same buttons as my adolescent love for Edith Wharton and George Eliot. Hartman mentions Eliot in the acknowledgements of Seraphina, and I'm convinced Seraphina's happily-ever-after is a stealth retelling of the love triangle in The Mill on the Floss. I was exposed to mild spoilers, yet I still didn't see this particular resolution coming. I may need to go read some fan fiction.

I can see why some readers were disappointed by this book. Its priorities are very different from the coming-of-age story of Seraphina, and it's such a big novel that the storytelling is at times a bit creaky. Also, there is not nearly enough Orma. Nevertheless I found it an enchanting read and thought it greatly exceeded the expectations set by negative reviews. (Someone please write a browser extension that hides Goodreads ratings until I finish reading a book; my dumb brain can't resist a meaningless statistic.)
  raschneid | Dec 19, 2023 |
Rachel Hartman has once again written a fantastic book.In Shadow Scale Seraphina continues to search out the half-dragons from her garden. As she does she is pursued by humans who want to stop her and another half-dragon named Jannoula with frightening powers. She and her task are under a great threat. As she meets and gathers these other half-dragons we fall in love with each one. They are all such great characters- with maybe with one exception. Although Seraphina is threatened by Jannoula and her human pursuers we are unclear as to who her enemies are. Can she successfully gather her new friends and save her kingdom from imminent threat by the dragons and/or the anti-dragon neighbors?
This is an incredible story with wonderfully written personalities and relationships, great world-building and plot. All of which go beyond the "diversity of race, sex and gender". Shadow Scale is as beautifully written as Seraphina with an "impeccable ending to the unexpected duet"- worth the wait! ( )
  juliais_bookluvr | Mar 9, 2023 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 82 (suivant | tout afficher)
[Seraphina, Hartman's first book] was pitch-perfect, so far as I was concerned — which made me rather nervous about approaching Shadow Scale. Suppose it didn't live up to its predecessor?

It turns out that "living up to it" is the utterly wrong frame for the question. Shadow Scale is less a sequel than it is another stage of development: it outgrows Seraphina and sheds it like a skin.
ajouté par lquilter | modifierNPR, Amal El-Mohtar (Mar 11, 2015)

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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Rachel Hartmanauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Davidson, AndrewArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Sheppard, W. MorganNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Williams, MandyNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Fantasy. Historical Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:Seraphina took the literary world by storm with 8 starred reviews and numerous "Best of" lists. At last, her eagerly awaited sequel has arrived--and with it comes an epic battle between humans and dragons.

The kingdom of Goredd: a world where humans and dragons share life with an uneasy balance, and those few who are both human and dragon must hide the truth. Seraphina is one of these, part girl, part dragon, who is reluctantly drawn into the politics of her world. When war breaks out between the dragons and humans, she must travel the lands to find those like herself--for she has an inexplicable connection to all of them, and together they will be able to fight the dragons in powerful, magical ways.

As Seraphina gathers this motley crew, she is pursued by humans who want to stop her. But the most terrifying is another half dragon, who can creep into people's minds and take them over. Until now, Seraphina has kept her mind safe from intruders, but that also means she's held back her own gift. It is time to make a choice: Cling to the safety of her old life, or embrace a powerful new destiny?

Praise for Seraphina:

A New York Times Bestseller
An Indie Bestseller
Winner of the William C. Morris Debut Award
Winner of the Cybil Award for Teen Fantasy and Science Fiction
An Amazon Top 20 Teen Book of the Year
A Chicago Public Library Best Book of the Year
A Kirkus Reviews Best Teen Book of the Year
A School Library Journal Best Book of the Year
A Library Journal Best Young Adult Literature for Adults Selection
A Booklist Editors' Choice
An ABA New Voices Pick
A Publishers Weekly Flying Start Author
An ALA-ALSC Notable Children's Book
An ALA-YALSA Top Ten Best Fiction for Young Adults Book
Recipient of 8 Starred Reviews

"Beautifully written, well-rounded characters, and some of the most interesting dragons I've read in fantasy for a long while. An impressive debut novel; I can't wait to see what Rachel Hartman writes next."
--Christopher Paolini, New York Times bestselling author of Eragon

"A novel that will appeal to both fans of Christopher Paolini's Eragon series and Robin McKinley's The Hero and the Crown."
--Entertainment Weekly.

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