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Sin and Sacrifice

par Danielle Bourdon

Séries: The Daughters of Eve (book 1)

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616442,963 (4.17)1

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This was an impressive start to a new series. A very interesting fictitious twist on the Knights of the Templar. ( )
  tometender | Oct 28, 2012 |
This was an impressive start to a new series. A very interesting fictitious twist on the Knights of the Templar. ( )
  tometender | Oct 28, 2012 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I received this book as part of the Library Thing Member Giveaway. I must say I really enjoyed this book. So much so that I had to buy the next two books to see what happens. It was full of action, romance and a bit of archaeology and history. Very highly recommended! ( )
  Athenajewel | Jul 16, 2012 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
Sin and Sacrifice by Danielle Bourdon is a romantic suspense with paranormal touches. Evelyn Grant and her four sisters are vacationing in Greece. Evelyn is kidnapped, and one of her sisters is murdered, outside an Athens nightclub. Evelyn is tortured for information she refuses to give: the location of Eden. Evelyn and her sisters are the remaining immortal daughters of Eve. The rest have been hunted and killed by a rogue group of the Templar Knights. Evelyn is rescued by Rhett Nichols who says he is a CIA agent. But both Evelyn and Rhett discover that things are not as they seem.
As with other paranormal romances I have read, Sin and Sacrifice is based on a system of mythology brought into our modern world. In this case, it is the biblical story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. Unfortunately, the necessary suspension of disbelief was difficult for me. There are many logical, and historical, inconsistencies in the story which made it hard for me to relax and enjoy the adventure. Once I set those aside, however, I found I enjoyed the characters of Evelyn and Rhett very much and the novel was exciting and suspenseful. ( )
  carod | May 28, 2012 |
Cette critique a été rédigée pour LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
Evelyn Grant appears to be 28 years old, when in reality she's far older than that. She along with her four sisters are vacationing in Athens Greece. She and her sisters are daughters of Eve and have seen many centuries of life together. There is only one thing that can make the sisters fear and that is the Templar Knights. Templar Knights have hunted the sisters for centuries not leaving them in peace at all. Evelyn is kidnapped outside an Athens nightclub and is brutally tortured and beaten for information she refuses to get her captors ~ a map to Eden which is something that she cannot give. Galiana is murdered, the other two sisters are missing when Evelyn is rescued by a CIA agent named Rhett Nichols. Rhett takes Evelyn into his care and protection where she grudgingly trusts him that is until she sees his Templar Knight Cross Tattoo on his back. Evelyn runs from Rhett but she shoots him and flees the country. Rhett doesn't understand why Evelyn ran from him but he's going to find out. He contacts his dad and brothers with what he's going to do, while they search for Evelyn's friends. His father and brothers learn that another woman is murdered as they find the remaining two woman in Evelyn's party. Rhett finds Evelyn in Vegas and tries to reason with her but with little success. Rhett wants to know why Evelyn ran from him to which Evelyn replies you won't believe me. Can Evelyn trust Rhett? What about Evelyn's sisters? Why do the Templar Knights hunt Evelyn's family? Your answers await you in Sin and Sacrifice. ( )
  WolfFaerie17 | May 21, 2012 |
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