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The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis (The…

The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia, Book 7) (original 1956; édition 1956)

par C. S. Lewis, Pauline Baynes (Illustrateur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
24,058191149 (3.88)279
When evil comes to Narnia, Jill and Eustace help fight the great last battle and Aslan leads his people to a glorious new paradise.
Titre:The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia, Book 7)
Auteurs:C. S. Lewis
Autres auteurs:Pauline Baynes (Illustrateur)
Info:Macmillan (1956), Edition: 8th printing, Unknown Binding, 174 pages
Collections:Liste de livres désirés

Information sur l'oeuvre

Les Chroniques de Narnia, tome 7 : La Dernière bataille par C. S. Lewis (1956)

Récemment ajouté parSBCSuffolk, gtdicksoniv, JZCLIBRARY, tjvandunk, coltonius, Requiemdweller, bibliothèque privée, Merricks, antiquariansam, LMCS
Bibliothèques historiquesEdward St. John Gorey , C. S. Lewis

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» Voir aussi les 279 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 190 (suivant | tout afficher)
À luz de uma enorme fogueira crepitante, a última batalha de Nárnia está prestes a acontecer. O rei Tirian, ajudado corajosamente por Jill e Eustáquio, terá de enfrentar os cruéis calormanos, num combate que decidirá, finalmente, a luta entre as forças do bem e do mal. Mas, com tantas dúvidas e confusão ao redor, conseguirá o rei Tirian manter-se firme na hora mais negra de Nárnia?
  AraujoGabriel | Jul 23, 2024 |
This book wraps up the series. It is indeed a great battle, with evil fighting good, and some being led astray. In the end, all is well, mostly. Perhaps not as enjoyable as some of the other books in the series, it does explain how Narnia ends, and what happens after. ( )
  Maydacat | Jul 8, 2024 |
In the Narnia series, when C.S. Lewis is interested in telling a good story he writes great books, but when he is only interested in emphasizing his religious allegory it's as uninteresting as being trapped in church and forced to listen to a sermon. And this last book of the series is exactly that, a retelling of the end of the world as portrayed in the Bible.

Probably my least favorite book in the series. Perhaps a young reader who doesn't notice the transparent religious allegory would enjoy it more.

The first part is more traditional Narnia storytelling, but very bleak and depressing, and the second part is just Lewis telling us how wonderful heaven is and that the world and the stories we tell matter nothing except as a way to get to heaven. Which is basically Lewis' point from the start, of course. ( )
  jcm790 | May 26, 2024 |
[Reading in chronological order, #7]
… are you f’ing kidding me??

Welcome to the Narnia: Revelation.

Sir Patrick Stewart narrated this in audio. ( )
  ilkjen | Apr 27, 2024 |
This book makes me uneasy, quite frankly.

Look, I'll give Lewis props for a rather unexpected ending to the series. It's bold, mature and the exact opposite (in some ways) of the "everyone lives" philosophy of Russell T Davies or JK Rowling. Completely destabilising Narnia is something that feels visceral to anyone who fell in love with the books as a child. And I did enjoy, somewhat, the comic allegory of the faux Aslan.

But... pardon the pun, Jesus Christ this is skeevy. For the most part, the series as Christian allegory could be wilfully ignored if you wanted to just enjoy the texture of the books and their creation of a world. Not so much here, quite frankly. Even aside from Lewis' infamous "screw you" to Susan for, you know, being interested in sex and make-up, the book is rather blatant in what it wants to push on to children.

As I mentioned in my "Silver Chair" review, I'm not inherently against this. After all, it worked for such luminaries as Dante and Evelyn Waugh. But there's a clear difference here, I feel, and - while I can still appreciate the allegory even from my anti-religious bias - this simply doesn't feel like a fitting end to the Narnia series. Instead, it feels like an overly aggressive Sunday School teacher who's tired of just sitting around and telling kind stories. I completely understand Lewis' passion, from his point of view, to try and show the true terror of losing his world to a more secular one. It's just a pity that rather than simply writing essays about the perceived problem, he had to incorporate it so thoroughly into the final book of a much beloved children's series.

In spite of my beliefs, and the fact that Philip Pullman and his ilk have eradicated our generation's need for Narnia, I still treasure these books from my childhood, and always will. It's just a pity, that's all it is. ( )
  therebelprince | Apr 21, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 190 (suivant | tout afficher)

» Ajouter d'autres auteur(e)s (38 possibles)

Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Lewis, C. S.auteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Baynes, PaulineArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Baynes, PaulineIllustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Dillon, DianeArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Dillon, LeoArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Eich, HansÜbersetzerauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Georg, ThomasIllustrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Hane, RogerArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Helakisa, KaarinaTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Lavis, StephenArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Nielsen, CliffArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Pauline BaynesArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Stewart, PatrickNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
Van Allsburg, ChrisArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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In the last days of Narnia, far up to the west beyond Lantern Waste and close beside the great waterfall, there lived an Ape.
I Narnias sidste dage, langt mod vest hinsides Lygtemarken og ikke langt fra det store vandfald, levede der en abe.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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Unabridged. Please do NOT combine with any abridged editions.
Please do NOT combine "The Last Battle" with "The Chronicles of Narnia"
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When evil comes to Narnia, Jill and Eustace help fight the great last battle and Aslan leads his people to a glorious new paradise.

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