Half Price Books - North Lamar

5555 N. Lamar
Austin, TX 78751

United States


Bookstorelivres neufs, livres d'occasion
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One of the few Half Price Books locations to contain a special room of rare/collectible books.
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ae17, agashlin, browner56, Lusanaherandraton, omargosh, privé, jockmcd, inge87, Osbaldistone, paradoxosalpha, privé, sansmerci


Rare books collection is interesting to see, but not your usual HPB prices. Rather large store. You can feel the effect of UT nearby in the book selection (more academic books than usual). The Goodwill next door also has cheapo books (if not as great of a selection).
Février 2014 par omargosh
Sad to read rickybutlers remarks. I own many books purchased at "Half Price - North Lamar," but the majority were from the earlier near-campus location at Guadalupe and 31st.
Septembre 2011 par paradoxosalpha
A huge store, but somehow the selection is always pretty mediocre, or when you do find something worth grabbing, it's absurdly expensive. Also has the worst employees I've met at any Half-Price, who usually don't know jack about literature, or books of any kind except Harry Potter. One guy actually started yelling at me loud enough to draw a crowd once when I asked if I could haggle, trying to humiliate me for "asking for a discount." Guy still works there too. Shake my fist at him every time I hear him whistling. (Curse youuuuuuu!) Another employee, a dopey young cashier once couldn't price a book I had picked up, it being an import from Europe, so he actually used Amazon.com as a price guide, telling me it was selling for $60 and he'd sell me this measly little mass market for $30 (while they had another copy for $2, as I tried to tell him and then show him before just giving up, him just staring at me with a vacuous expression....What a wanker). Worth one go, but only one. After that, nothing changes.
Février 2009 par tootstorm