Wrinkles in a new Series

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Wrinkles in a new Series

Mai 17, 8:34 am

I created a series yesterday for Xerox Candy Bar. At first, it showed "0 Members," but today it has caught up to show "1 Member." Still, defects remain on the series page.

No covers are displaying, although the two works--both manually entered by me--each have a cover. They also show different default covers.

Only one of the two component works shows an author, even though both have the same author. (Only one of them shows in the Works list on the relevant Author page, and I can't create a touchstone for the author Xerox Candy Bar either.)

Didn't there used to be a "recalculate series" button that would help smooth out these sort of defects? If it still exists, I can't find it.

Modifié : Mai 17, 8:53 am

The author did not show on that work, so I recalculated on the work. Now it also shows in the series.

Since you just entered these books, and nobody else had done so, you can expect it to take a day or two before they have been indexed for searching on the site. That is normal.

Mai 17, 8:55 am

I recalculated the cover on both works.

Mai 17, 12:24 pm
