
Jan 27, 11:00 am

Were you worried for Emma when Barry had to go to a call out? Any initial thoughts what, or if, any thing would happen to her?

Jan 27, 12:13 pm

Yes! Sounded like a setup to me. A convincing plea for help to get Barry out of the way. Too obvious.

The killer is coming for Emma, 🔪.

Why, oh why, has she not been whisked into protective custody before this? Surely the police should consider her safety is at risk? At the very least, why haven’t the police already had her hypnotised and regressed ‘officially’. Tardy!

Jan 27, 3:25 pm

Yes I was worried that someone might come to get Emma.

Jan 28, 6:57 am

Yes, definitely a set up. Time for the killer to come calling.