Are you reading a Pratchett book now?

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Are you reading a Pratchett book now?

Avr 7, 2023, 12:48 am

I began listening to Small Gods as narrated by Andy Serkis, but I'm not tracking very well. That's probably due to me more than the book, recovering from surgery, I want something to entertain and distract, but can't focus or concentrate.

Nov 24, 2023, 1:18 pm

Yes... This answer is probably always true since I reread the books again ang again.... At the moment I'm in the middle of "I shall Wear Midnight".

Déc 21, 2023, 8:51 pm

I have a few books on the TBR pile but I am rapidly approaching a Discworld intermission after I finish my pending ER book. The jury is out on whether 2024 will be a complete Discworld reread or if I will just read a few of my favorites again.

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