Notes on calendar and chronology?

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Notes on calendar and chronology?

Modifié : Sep 5, 2021, 6:35 pm

Is there a place in CK for observations about the chronological setting of books? I am thinking primarily of books that are set in the modern world with regular days, weeks, and dates. For example Dorothy L. Sayers' third Peter Wimsey book Unnatural Death opens in March or April 1927 (which we learn from a letter printed in an chapter near the start) and finishes in the early hours of Weds 29 June 1927 (which we learn from the fact that the last line refers to the eclipse that took place in London on that date). Might it be interesting to have a CK field that says: the events of the story take place from March 1927 to the end of June 1927?

Sep 5, 2021, 7:50 pm

There's an important events field, but it sounds like what you want is more the Comments field -- which is not CK but is visible to other users when they view your book.

Sep 6, 2021, 3:02 am

Yes, events is more for notable things in the rest of the worlds, such as a war (World War I) or a holiday (Diwali).

It could be an interesting CK field, I suppose. I've seen lots of tags that incude (or consist of) years, but the dates for Unnatural Death are more specific than we see in many books.

Sep 6, 2021, 3:44 am

I would love that field! To see all things that happen concurrently in various novels!

Sep 6, 2021, 4:22 am

It might be a bit tricky for books with time travel, though -- some books could use a mini database, not just two CK (text) fields.

Sep 6, 2021, 3:30 pm

I try to put place and time as the first line in my reviews of fiction and historic books. Just to have some idea of the period. I came across a new version of some of Enid Blytons books recently and noticed that they had been updated a bit. Still the absence of mobile phones etc should give the readers a hint :-)

Sep 7, 2021, 5:36 am

If this feature is ever to become a reality, it must be possible to capture ages like Holocene and others and sort them in the correct order.
It must also be possible to map the other side of the scale (future).
With all dates it should be possible to record whether they are real or fictional values.