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Juin 30, 2019, 3:01 pm

Do you think Thewlis and Gemma were having an affair? What did you think of them?

Juin 30, 2019, 3:25 pm

I don't - Matherley didn't actually see the man's face. I thought it might be Jane's Wills' husband - he keeps getting mentioned but no one has actually spoken to him yet so he's got me wondering.

Juin 30, 2019, 4:36 pm

No, definitely not. Thewlis would not have hidden under the sheets, he'd have yelled at Dot, and maybe even fired her. I got the impression the man in the bed was younger than Thewlis.

Juin 30, 2019, 5:38 pm

No I don't think it was Thewlis either.

Juin 30, 2019, 6:56 pm

I agree with everyone. >3 Sergeirocks: is right. Thewlis would have confronted her not hidden.

Juin 30, 2019, 8:24 pm

I agree with you all.