
DiscussionsBook Discussion : Sandstorm by James Rollins

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Oct 15, 2017, 7:03 pm

Why do you think Painter had become more closed off with Safia?

Oct 16, 2017, 4:48 am

He doesn't seem to understand her connection to the other women.

Oct 16, 2017, 6:05 am

that seemed really strange on his part. Safia thought it was because she'd caught a glimpse of his dangerous side when he held the knife to her throat but I thought it was more than that - like he was upset that he could have killed her by mistake. This goes back to my thoughts of him being "soft" - he often appears a bit too emotional in situations like this when he should instead be focused on the mission.

Modifié : Oct 16, 2017, 7:38 am

>3 bhabeck: I agree and also think that he has watched Omaha and Safia together and realizes that there may be something starting up again with them. I really think Omaha would be willing to die for her. >2 EadieB: I think you are also correct that he doesn't understand this connection she has with them.

Oct 16, 2017, 11:09 am

I don't think he trusts his own emotions. He had feelings for Cassandra before he knew she was a traitor, and this realisation is messing with his head.

Oct 16, 2017, 1:28 pm

I think he cares for Safia but knows they couldn't have a happy future together.

Oct 17, 2017, 2:40 pm

>5 Sergeirocks: I agree he is in turmoil with what happened to his relationship with Cassandra, but also agree >6 Olivermagnus: that he doesn't see a future for them together. Also I agre with you >4 Carol420: he is struggling to see how close Omaha and Safia are and is trying to minimise his hurt by cutting himself off from this situation before she does. I think it is a complex situation and a mixture of all these reasons.