Derek Guterres' SSR

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Derek Guterres' SSR

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1dguterres Premier message
Déc 17, 2007, 12:40 am

The book I read for my SSR is Lord of the Flies by William Golding. I have read 303 pages of this book. Lord of the Flies is about a group of boys who have been trapped on an island due to a crashed airplane accident trying to escape from a war. On the island, a boy named Ralph tries to lead the kids who were also on the plane to being rescued. But soon, savagery soon affects a large group of the kids led by the head "chief" now, Jack. Jack leads the group into savagery by killing pigs and making stories of beasts. Ralph and another boy named Piggy must escape and survive the rest of the group, but Piggy gets killed by a boulder, but eventually they were rescued. A main character in the story is Jack. Jack is the leader of the Choir, who eventually become known as the hunters. Jack, is the villain of the story, the evil mastermind, and converts the group of boys, including the hunters to join his tribes. Jack changes throughout the book from a leader, to a savage. As the book continues on, Jack, is consumed by blood lust and savagery and soon has no emotions and has lost himself, as well as all of the other kids on the island, except for Ralph who keeps his sanity and does not join Jack's tribe. I think Jack is really the leader of the group instead of Ralph, because he actually gets the group to follow him and the group of boys does what they have been told to do. I can relate to some of this book like when Piggy was trying to get people to listen to him and no one would listen. I can relate to that because when I have something to say, and i know it is essential to the subject, sometimes I am ignored and ridiculed by my friends and classmates. Like Piggy, he was smart and tried to get the group to listen to him but they wouldn't because of the way he looked, I try to get people to listen to me when I know I'm right, but they think differently, like the other kids in the airplane crashed group. The language used in the book is very confusing, and there were a few unclear parts in the book, but overall I enjoyed it and it was a great book. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves fiction because this is a very good book, full of action and non-stop suspense. The readers who would like to enjoy it would be action and mystery readers because the book is nonstop action, and there are many mysteries, which creates a lot of suspense.

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