Posting your reviews

DiscussionsFine SSR (07)

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Posting your reviews

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1yfine Premier message
Modifié : Déc 5, 2007, 2:11 pm

Hi's what I'd like you to do to earn your SSR credit.

1. Click "Add Books" to add each book that you've read to your catalog. Even if you only read 40 pages, you should add it to earn the credit for those pages.

2. When you find each book through the search, click on it to add it to your list.

3. To write your review, click the "pencil" icon ("Edit book information"). Scroll down to "Your Review" to write it.

4. Your review should have the following:

--The number of pages you read / # of pages in the book (ex: 60/280)

--A brief summary what the book is about (WITHOUT giving away the ending!. I don't need a whole book report. Try to summarize what it's about in 2-3 sentences.

--A description of the main character (if there are several, pick your favorite). Describe who this character is and how they CHANGE throughout the book. Describe also what you think of this character and why. (3-4 sentences).

--Was there anything you were able to relate to in this book? Any situations, characters, or events that reminded you of anything from your own real life? ( 2-3 sentences)

--Was there anything you didn't like about this book? Why? 2-3 sentences)

--To whom would you recommend this book, and why? Which kinds of readers would enjoy it? (1-2 sentences )

Feel free to add TAGS to your books too, and too browse around LibraryThing, of course, to find more SSR book that you'll like!

Déc 16, 2007, 10:56 pm

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