Simpsons Movie

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Simpsons Movie

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Août 7, 2007, 3:47 pm

I was very pleased by the movie. I didn't think it was like a 90-minute episode, which would have su-diddly-ucked. What I thought the plot would be, based on trailers and commercials, was not at all what the plot actually was, so it was still a surprise. "Spider Pig" has already achieved cult status as far as I can tell (I'm told my dad's been singing it around the house for weeks); plus, it's the first cultural reference that we know The Boy noticed and understood. All in all, an admirable effort.

Août 8, 2007, 10:20 am

**may have spoilers**

I was very surprised with the movie. I had feared that It would try to hard to be the Simpsons movie and end up being a bit of a cliche. However, the movie was funny with a good amount of memorable lines and moments. At the time I was a bit disappointed in the minimal use of supporting characters but I'm not sure that the movie was actually hurt by this so looking back I'm not sure how much of a disappointment it was.

Août 22, 2007, 4:22 pm

Have you all read the book about the Simpsons and Philosophy? Great book! The movie was very cool too. My wife and I dont have or watch TV although we have DVD's of the Simpsons seaons and really enjoy the humor...especially political. Anyway the opening was in the town right next door to us (Springfield VT) and it was great! We loved the movie!!!!

Jan 5, 2008, 2:25 pm

spider pig, spider pig, does whatever a spider pig does. can he swing from a web, no he cant cause hes a pig look out he is the spider pig.