Dun Lady's Jess, Doranna Durgin

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Dun Lady's Jess, Doranna Durgin

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Déc 15, 2013, 3:56 pm

Oh my gosh. I read the introduction about how people loved this book and how important it was to bring it back. I didn't get all the hoopla at the time, but WOW. This is so well done. I typically don't like shape shifting characters and magic stories, but I was completely caught up in this story. The horse who becomes a girl somehow maintains everything she should about being a horse, even as she learns rapidly about human language and mannerisms and such things. Just incredible. I might get the others in the series.

The first book buying turned out to be an adventure. Jess could hardly believe it when they went into a store with volume after volume lining the walls, crammed into the aisles--even filling a table just outside the store's entrance. She found herself wildly curious--maybe this world was as confusing for others as it was for her, and everybody needed directions. The explanation that most of the books were stories, just like the television, didn't particularly convince her otherwise.

"These people know everything in the books already?" she asked Eric of the sales staff. Then she decided her own answer. "Yes. Or they wouldn't be in charge."

Just... everything is so horse about her, even as a human. It should be mentioned that when she learned what writing was, how it was "leaving directions" for other people to read and follow later, she decided she wanted to learn to read, so they went to a store. I was especially impressed that she was given a copy of The Magician's Nephew to read, as at one point in time she is found "fingering the spine" of it. Of course it would be wrong to suggest right away that she read a Horse and his Boy, but the Narnia series seems an excellent choice for someone like Jess.

I didn't make many notes, but that's because I couldn't bother to put the book down long enough to make the notes. :)
