Rough Passage to London, Robin Lloyd

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Rough Passage to London, Robin Lloyd

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Déc 15, 2013, 3:30 pm

There was a lot of meeting sailors and characters by going backward in this book, meaning you meet the person and then you're told "he found out later that..." In a way this sort of makes sense with the way a sailor would meet people, so it wasn't really something that threw me or anything, but there was a repetition involved that was tedious a bit at first. By the time you get past page 100, it puts the descriptions off though.

By page 119 I felt like the main character finally grew up enough to drop the babyish naive act when it comes to the hunt for his brother. I think as far as development goes, this was the one thing that really annoyed me about this character. He was ignorant of sailing stuff for far too long and totally ignorant of the world as well. I just didn't see it.

I didn't really make any other notes, but I did enjoy the book. A lot of these books that I get for the giveaway or early review programs get tucked in a corner somewhere and not touched again, but I think I'll pick this one up every once in a while to go through a second time.