Rascal, Sterling North

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Rascal, Sterling North

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Déc 15, 2013, 2:24 pm

There's a bit at page 92-93 where the boy talks about his mother teaching him how life began and comparing that to the bible's story of creation. It is insisted that the science doesn't mean there is no god. It's a short sequence, but I wish that more people would accept this over the science vs religion thing. I'm not a religious person at all, so I believe the science, that that is a personal choice. It is just as likely that some high being decided to get the process of life going and added the little quirks here and there that kept things moving in the direction that was planned. Who knows.

I didn't take any other notes on this book, I was too caught up in enjoying the story. It's not the writing that's memorable, it's the story itself that wins the award for me.
