Wolfcry, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

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Wolfcry, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

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Nov 1, 2013, 6:33 pm

A lot of who's who at the beginning. Don’t we know all this already? Are the target readers THAT young that they won’t remember? Then again, there are SO many extra characters in these books, you really do need to remember what’s going on.

"Your not knowing what the weather will be tomorrow does not change it." p39
LOVED this line. These are some words to live by.

"The mind barely comprehends its own yesterday, but Sakkri force on it other times, other places, other people, visions it tries to shake away because to hold them all would only court madness. A single soul is not meant to know every is and was and may be and could have been. p39
I loved this line as much as Cedar did. (We were reading together.) But I think I liked the whole, while they liked only one section?

I loved the character Pratl. Too bad he was hardly in it at all. I was most upset that so much was put into him to hardly be used. I am going to have to find out if there are more books in the series, but it sort of feels like there won’t be. If anyone knows, pass that info along.
