The List Game

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The List Game

Ce sujet est actuellement indiqué comme "en sommeil"—le dernier message date de plus de 90 jours. Vous pouvez le réveiller en postant une réponse.

Oct 20, 2013, 11:32 am

So the point of the group has sort of changed and the game aspect itself isn't really being used. Seeing this, I thought it was best to change the front of our group a little, make it more what we have become and less about the picking out from a list. Yet the more I tried to get rid of the list game all together, the more I was sad to see it go... Then I thought that we could just move it down, into a thread.

This thread is now the place to come if you want to participate in the picking of books for fellow readers, or if you're stuck in figuring out what book to read next. For those who haven't participated in this event before, here's how it goes:

Reply to this post with a list of a few books from your library or reading list that you are in the mood to read. Others can then make suggestions on what to read next based on what sounds interesting to them. Once a book is chosen, you post to the group in a new thread with the title and author of the book as the subject, the same as you would for any of the other discussions.

This thread is for making reading lists and reading suggestions only.

Oct 20, 2013, 11:40 am

I'll do a list for next month, since I'm nearly finished with this month's reads. Feel free to suggest a reading order, or just pick the first book you want to hear about.

November, 2013 Reads:
Stolen World
The Royal Physician's Visit
The 11th Floor
Prince Among Slaves
Acts of Faith
Quiet Revolution
Butterfly Mosque