Falcondance, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

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Falcondance, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

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Sep 6, 2013, 2:42 pm

How did I not post this one? Where did this post go? If this is a duplicate, someone poke me. Not that I made that many notes, of course, it's just... well... I like to set things straight.

My mother was still deep in conversation with the Diente and the Tuuli Thea when I returned to the Rookery, and even if I had been bleeding to death, I would have hesitated to interrupt. p22

This is a great example of writing for the younger mind, who would think this way... Write more on this when you're thinking clearer and not in a rush.

I also wrote down that this book tends to remind you too much of previous chapters, which was somewhat frustrating as an adult reading, but might be better for those with short attention spans. It also repeated phrases like when someone bows and he realizes he was supposed to release them from their bow.. "only when it took too long" or something. don't remember can't find it.. but it was used a few times.
