Salt, Amy K. Marshall

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Salt, Amy K. Marshall

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Août 31, 2013, 3:18 pm

Because the tale has been much-beloved for centuries, I wanted to use specific phrasing in an attempt to remain true to its charm and Russian roots. While this is a decidedly darker version, it provides the reader with a “let me tell you a fairy tale” experience. That is something we should never outgrow.
That was in the introduction and I loved it already, just listening to the author explain why this had been written.

They nodded reassuringly, their eyes dancing with delight as they took her lay her gently on an elaborately carved bed.
Misprint there, but it was the only one I found. Easy enough to fix and has probably already been done.

When he dared, he played at her hand, too afraid to hold it completely, to possess it.
I liked this line too. The notion of not having the right to touch something because touching something makes it yours... it's perfect for this story.

And that was the total of my notes, but it was such a good read, I just devoured the book, really.