Scots on the Rocks, Mary Daheim

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Scots on the Rocks, Mary Daheim

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Avr 6, 2013, 3:53 pm

So I went on a kick of not reading what I was supposed to in March, mostly because the library was about to close down and I wanted to get a bunch of reading material for while it was unavailable for a month. I read this book on St. Patrick's Day and yes, I know it's SCOTS and hot IRISH on the Rocks, but our family has Scottish heritage and we don't do St. Patrick's day ... to the extreme of doing everything Scottish. So there.

The cousins strolled out of the cemetery though the lich gate. Judith smiled. "Weird, huh? Our first tourist stop is a cemetery." She paused, waiting for a couple of bicyclists to pass. "Nice," she went on, breathing in the sea-tinged air. "No heat, no hurry, "No murders."

"That's a dumb thing to say," Renie chided.

Judith grimaced. "Yes, I wonder why..." She gave herself a shake. "That's what I get for standing on top of a bunch of bodies. Oh well."

Renie refrained from saying the obvious.
This is an example of the almost humor. As many murder mysteries I've found, a lot less effort is given to the characters themselves than to the who-done-it layout of the storyline. People are so focused on working the plot into a nice order they're not looking at the characters themselves. I found this line segment somewhat humorous, but only in a mildly-amusing way.

Accents are written very well, however. You can really "hear" what is written, both in Scotland and when people are in certain situations, like having their mouth full or something. It makes the story very easy to read.

"History is nothing but old gossip," Renie declared. "Who did what to whom and why and how it all turned into a war or a revolution." p108
Loved that line

I was also listening to an ocean soundtrack in the background around here and I have to say, since this takes place at a castle, on an island, that made things almost realistic.

"By the way, didn't we have husbands when we arrived in Scotland? I seem to recall being with a couple of people who had deeper voices than we do." p213
This line actually made me chuckle, but it was the last note that I made.

Mai 31, 2013, 3:52 pm

Maybe there's something about March that makes people do things with their reading lists. I think that's where mine went to pot, and I never really recovered from there. Now I have 11 books to catch up on.

Can I just say too, I love the way you do Scottish stuff on Irish day :D

Modifié : Août 3, 2013, 11:29 am

I was raised better than to believe the American ideal that Saint Patrick's Day is a MAJOR holiday. :) I run with that. Annually. ;)