(M112'12) Hawksong

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(M112'12) Hawksong

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Jan 13, 2013, 1:02 pm

Almost before a child of my kind learns to fly, she learns to hate. She learns of war. She learns of the race that calls itself the serpiente. She learns that they are untrustworthy, that they are liars and loyal to no one. She learns to fear the garnet eyes of their royal family even though she will probably never see them. p1-2
This was a wonderful introduction to the history of the people. We really learn the hardships right in the beginning. It drives it home hard.

I had been preparing to take the throne ever since my older sister died when I was ten, but my mother had rarely approved of my methods. I knew going to the fields was dangerous, as was visiting anyone outside the heavily defended Hawk's Keep, but how could I rule my people if I refused to leave the safety of m home? I could not know them if I never faced the world they lived in, and that included the spattered blood of the fields. p13
Well done, well said.

I had seen enough serpiente soldiers fallen beside our own over the years, and now, with the image of Gregory Cobriana branded into my mind, I was reminded once again that they were just as mortal as my own kind. However, fear makes all enemies more dangerous, and the stories told in the marketplace on this night were as sickening as ever. p15-16
More well written.

"The first of my kind was a human woman. Surely your kind comes from like roots. We have human minds and human bodies. If we can speak as humans do, and love as humans do, then what makes us so different?" p164
Take on prejudice in a new way. Wonderful. Honestly wonderful.

I got this book from the local library. It's one of the books I was supposed to read for the Year of the Snake challenge for 2013, but when I looked at it, I kind of had this desperate need to read the whole way through... so I did. I told myself I was testing it to see if it really dealt with snakes... but I couldn't put it down once I confirmed. I will certainly be reading the rest of this series. I'm all caught up in it now... :p

Fév 1, 2013, 11:32 am

Loved it, and want to read the others :)

Here is my review: http://www.librarything.com/review/93682088

Août 3, 2013, 11:09 am

Can't wait to see what you thought of the second book... and the third, when we read it next month. :)