The Dressmaker by, Kate Alcott~Nov.2011 batch

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The Dressmaker by, Kate Alcott~Nov.2011 batch

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Mar 5, 2012, 4:02 pm

The Dressmaker by, Kate Alcott

I really liked this book even with the romance storyline; it made me want to do research on what happened after the sinking of the Titanic and to learn more about the survivors, which to me is what makes a good historical fiction book. We all know the story of the sinking of the Titanic but I for one knew almost nothing about the aftermath, the scandal of what happened on the lifeboats, and the senate hearings.

This book is about more than just the aftermath of the Titanic but that is the backdrop that makes it fascinating. A young lady named Tess is an aspiring dressmaker and is hoping to get a job on the Titanic to get passage to America however no jobs are to be found the day of sailing while on the dock wondering what to do but not willing to give up she overhears a conversation, famous designer Lady Duff Gordon’s maid isn’t going to make the trip and Tess jumps at the chance and talks the woman into hiring her. Tess is astounded by the opulence of the ship and is also enamored by Lady Duff Gordon. But as we all know the trip does not go as planned but it is what happens afterwards that makes this story. Tess and the Duff Gordon’s are in separate lifeboats and the rumors about what happened in the Duff Gordon’s boat are shocking and to Tess completely unbelievable, but what really happened, is her new boss what she thought or are the stories true?

There is also a bit of a chaste love triangle involving Tess which didn’t deter me from my enjoyment of this book it actually added nicely to the story and fleshed out the character of Tess. The other characters in this book were all well fleshed out and believable.

I really enjoyed this book and stayed up till 3 am finishing it because I just needed to know what was going to happen with Tess. I would actually love a second book to find out what happens to Tess next and if she ended up fulfilling her American dream.

I highly recommend this well written historical drama.

4 ½ Stars

I received this book from Librarything Early Reviewers Program

Juin 30, 2012, 7:06 pm

Enjoyed your review of the book, and have added to my list of books to check out at my library.


Juil 2, 2012, 1:20 pm

I didn't realize this was about the aftermath of the sinking of the Titanic. It sounds like one I'd enjoy so will have to add it to my TBR. :-D