2. Who is your favorite character in the story? Describe and tell why he or she is your favorite.

DiscussionsMs. Kline's 5th Period

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2. Who is your favorite character in the story? Describe and tell why he or she is your favorite.

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Sep 23, 2011, 11:46 am

Responses should be two paragraphs long and include the title, author, and examples from the text.

Sep 27, 2011, 3:42 pm

In my book Seer of Shadows by Avi My favorite character is Pegg. I picked Pegg because she is an african american who is poor and is an orphanage that has minumum education and works as a servant for a white family. Pegg is not the main charcter and the book doesn’t give a lot of information about her, but what they said about her so far shows the strength and ablitity she has as a house servant. The only reason that Pegg is still working for Mrs. Von Macht is because if she were to leave to be sent off, the Von Macht Family are fearful of what she might say about what has happened in the house.

Pegg is a character in the book that shows a lot of courage. She told Horace about everything that happened in the house and if she were to caught saying something she could be in big trouble and can be abuse by Mr. Von Macht. Just by staying in the house, even though she fear the family, shows the courage that she has. Pegg is a strong indepentent young girl , that risked her life serval times just by telling the household secrets that’s why I have respect for people like her.

Sep 27, 2011, 10:19 pm

In my book Night World by L.J Smith my favorite character would have to be Gillian. The reason would be that, She is always brave and not afraid to stand out. No matter what people say to her, and that's really good to do. Also she expresess her feelings even though most people dont like hearing her talk. But to her she doesnt care. An example of her not worried about standing out in front of everyone would be when, Gillian had the most prettiest heair ever and then she goes and cuts it off!!! And then she starts wearing all black but bright red lipstick, but she knows that she looks good anyways. And when she got to school everyone was talking about how good she looked and then everyone else was talking about how they thought her mom cut her hair off because they thought she wouldve been drunk. Once Gilliann heard that she stood up for her and her mom, and she said everything that was on her mind. And she wasnt afraid to say it because, she knew what she was saying was true that she doesnt look bad, and that her mom isnt ever a drunk!!

But Gillian is the type of girl also that doesnt care what people think of her because she knows that she is already good enough for alot of people in her life already!!And thats how Gilliann is my favorite character in my book because, she shows bravery and courage. And thats why i like people like her, and thats why i have alot of respect for those types of people. And thats why i am doing my report on Gillian, the girl who is not afraid of anyone but her mom & dad. So that's my Report on my favorite character in my book the Night World.

Sep 28, 2011, 8:59 pm

In my book The compound by S.A Boden my favorite character would is Eli Yanakakis. the reason is that, he is brave he is never scared to speak out to his parents. He knows that his parents are trying to hurt his siblings and him so he tries to protect his siblings. At this point the surface of the earth is destroyed by a nuclear war. Eli and his family live in a compound at the hands of their parents. Eli would go to the limits to protect his family.

After Eli got his parents under control with their craze, there was another problem. The Yanakakis family was starting to run out food. Eli was worried so he did something nobody would do. the plan was to connect his brain to a clones so he could control the clones body. the catch was that once in it would be hard to get out he was brave to say yes.

Sep 29, 2011, 5:00 pm

In my book Sent by Margaret Peterson Jonah is my favorite character because he is not afraid to speak his mind. He is not afraid to tell people about him or what he is thinking. He is my favorite character because I like it when people aren’t afraid to give them their opinion or perspective. He is a brave and he looks out for his sister and his friends. He is around my age and plays basketball just like me.

Jonah finds out Chip and him are not from the twenty-first century and they are traveling through time. I like him in this part of the book especially because he promised to his best friend he would help him through anything. This shows me he is a very good friend and that he will keep his word even if he has to help Chip change history. He is a very caring boy but he will also fight for you in time of need. He would be a great friend and that’s why he is my favorite character in my book.

Oct 3, 2011, 7:17 pm

In my book Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick my favorite character is Jeffery. He is my favorite character because even though he has Leukemia at the age of five he lives his life carelessly almost. Jeffery has an older brother named Steven who is having a harder time dealing with the illness than Jeffery. He shows a huge amount of courage each time he is sent to Philadelphia for test and Chemo-therapy. The trips are coasting the family a fortune and Steven his piece of mind. He is so happy when his mom and brother go to Philadelphia because he gets time away from Jeffery to get things done, but regrets it later. One day Steven saw the hospital bill when his dad was up stairs to put Jeffery to bed and ever since he saw the bill he had been worried sick about going homeless. Between everything going on at home, friends and school he just couldn’t balance it all out so he began lacking in his school work. By lacking I mean just flat out not doing it, so once the teachers found out about everything they agreed to give him a packet of all the work he was missing and he must turn it back in by Christmas break.

I think that it is highly important to tell people if you are struggling no matter who you tell. Steven waited until the absolute last minute to tell his teachers that he was having difficulty. In my thoughts I think that he should have told them the week he found out instead of almost failing his exams. Jeffery had to quit school and his mom had to quit her job, so instead of being like Jeffery and having to do the grade over I would have tried my best to pass my eighth grade year and go to high school. Steven only did well in the things he wanted to do well in, which was band he excelled in band so much that he go offered a place in the All City Jazz Band. Not only did he get in he was offered the lead role in the spring concert. I can’t wait to find out if Jeffery and the rest of the family are going to be able to attend the concert.

Modifié : Oct 4, 2011, 12:58 pm

In my book The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod: Ninth grade slays by Heather Brewer. My favorite character is Vladimir Tod. I picked him because he try’s every day to keep the secret, that he is a vampire. Vlad is also a good friend but no one seems to know how he is except for his best friend Henry. Vlad lost his parents to a house fire but vlad doesn’t believe that’s how they died. Vlad searches to find who had killed his parents. And he keeps trying to find out why and who did it Vlad never gives up that’s why I like him.

Another reason why I like him is because he’s nice and try’s to be nice to other people that pay attention to him. He has two bullies Tom and Bill they mess with vlad and they hit him the only time they don’t mess with him is when Henrys around. Vlad is caring and doesn’t want to hurt anyone but he can if he needs to .That’s why he’s my favorite character.

Modifié : Oct 4, 2011, 1:21 pm

My favorite character is Sam from The Dreamwalker’s Child from Steve Voake. Sam is always nice to people. He is thankful

Oct 4, 2011, 1:10 pm

In my bookHarry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling my favorite character is Professor Lupin. He is my favorite because he is a very nice teacher to Harry and his class. He teaches Defense against the dark arts. Everybody likes him because in there last two years at hogwarts they have had terrible defense against the dark arts teachers. Lupin and Harry like each other especially because Lupin used to be best friends with Harrys father,James Potter. Another reason I like him is because when Lupin was a kid him and James and there other friends would always go around play practical jokes. Lupin is also a wear wolf. He is forced to turn into a wear wolf every time the moon is full.

However James and his other friends, Sirius, and peter decided they would turn them selves into animagi, peple that could turn into animals at will, to make Lupin not feel so out of place. They eventually decided to make a map of the hogwarts grounds for practical jokers that came around after they had left Hogwarts. This is another reason i like him because that was a genius idea. That is why Professor Remus Lupin is my favorite character.

Oct 4, 2011, 1:17 pm

In my book “My Side of the Mountain “by Jean Craighead George, My favorite character is Frightful, she is a Peregrine Falcon that Sam Gribley caught when she was just a nestling; he caught her to be his friend, and to use her to hunt with to save him a little trouble. Her slick black head feathers make her look really intimidating, but her grayish-orange color eye takes the entire fearful look out of her. She has a tan colored body with slick black streaks of feathers in it to make her look unique.

The reason she is my favorite character is because, one she is really smart she is trained to come to Sam’s fist when he whistles to her. He can take her to the meadow and throw her off his fist and she will go hunting. Sometimes she will bring back a squirrel, but other times she could bring back a sparrow. She will do whatever Sam tells her to do, if it means protecting her master, to feeding them when times are tough for Sam, and he isn’t able to do it his self. Frightful is just an all around prefect tool to have when you live in the middle of the wilderness. Her dedication to Sam makes Frightful my favorite Character.

Oct 4, 2011, 5:51 pm

In my book diary of a wimpy kid dog daysbyJeff Kinney.My faviorate character is Greg.He is my favorite character because he thinks the world revolves around him. It is funny how he thinks that he doesn't care about any one but but him self. If he doesn't get what wants he will get mad. He is lazy and he thinks everyone has to work for him,like when he was in kindergarden when tey had to clean up he just sang the clean up song when the rest of them cleaned up. He beleives every thing his brother says. Like when he Rodrick (his brother) told him when he ate watermelon seeds that a watermelon will grow in his stomach. That is why he is my favorite character.

Oct 4, 2011, 8:12 pm

In my bookDiary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules by Jeff Kinney my favorite character is Greg. He is my favorite character because he is very funny. His friend Chirag moved back to his school,and when he came back Greg came up with this thing call the invisible Chirag. Everyone is pretending that he inst there. Chirag got mad so he is trying to come up with ideas so that they will talk to him. Like when they were at lunch he brought a corn dog, and Rowley loves corn dogs,and it was really hard for him not to take it from him but he didn't so he didn't mess up the prank.

I also like him because he always gets blamed for everything even when its not his fault. Manny (his younger brother) put a cookie in his game system. So Manny and his mom made him something hen they came back it was a aluminum foil with tooth picks out from it. Greg went to throw it away but his mom wouldn't let him. He thought he would end up sitting on it,but he didn't Rowley did. And that is why Greg is my favorite character.

Oct 4, 2011, 8:30 pm

In my book After Ever After by Jordan Sonnenblick my favorite character is Jeffery Alper. The reason Jeffery is my favorite character is because even though he has Leukemia and has hard times in school subjects and making new friends he still shows courage. With his brother Steven being away in Africa and his friend Tad having cancer once again for the second time he still manages to get through life as good as he can make it. Jeffery is at the point where he is getting interested more in girls less than his friend Tad, so his relationship with Tad is getting weaker and weaker. I think if I were to be Jeffery going through all this I don’t know what I would do, But Jeffery somehow gets through it easily.

Another reason I like Jeffery the most is because he is strong…inside and out. He is strong because he has faced all these things without a problem. Going through all these treatments has cost his family a fortune, his brother is in Africa, his best friend Tad has decided to tell him that he has cancer again, he’s going through some girl problems, and he is having to get help in math from Tad so he can pass his State Wide test. Even going through all these problems, he’s still being strong and keeping his head high and making it through life perfectly.

Modifié : Oct 4, 2011, 8:59 pm

In my book The Reminder by Rune Michales, my favorite character is Daisy, better known as Daze. When she was young her mother died of cancer. Now Daze is trying to be as normal and as much of a regular girl as she can. She knows that its very difficult for her dad to raise Daze and her brother Ryan, who is only five years old by himself. Daze dosnt really worry much about what other people think of her. Some of the other girls try to make friends with her by telling her bad stories about how one of their family members died. Daze thinks its really annoying.

Daze has always had a hard time trying to teach her brother about his mother, because she died when he was only two years old. Daze always finds a way to make things easier wich i like. She can take something very difficult and turn it into something easy and fun. I also like how Daze trys to forget about her mom one minet and the next she sitting on the couch with her dad waching home movies off her mom. That shows how much she accually cares about her mom and how much she misses her. That is why Daze is my favorite character.

Oct 4, 2011, 9:29 pm

In my book Diary Of A Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney my favorite character is Rodrick. Rodrick is Greg(the main characters big brother), he is the oldest brother. He is my favorite character because he reminds me a lot of myself when I tease my little sister.He is a teenager like me and he is trying to figure life out. Rodrick likes to trick his little brothers into doing all sorts of crazy things. Rodrick always gets a good kick out of anything he tricks one of his brothers into.

Rodrick is also my favorite because he likes music like I do. He is in a band with some of his friends called ''Loaded Diper". He likes and plays heavy metal music, witch I also enjoy. Rodrick likes to make his little brothers in trouble for things that he did, witch I do too. He is also the cool kid in the family and everyone looks up tpo him. That is why Rodrick is my favorite character

Oct 4, 2011, 10:25 pm

In my book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling, Hermione is my favorite character. She is my favorite character because she is very smart. She is one of the best students at Hogwarts. She is friend's with Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Whenever Harry, Ron, and her do anything where they have to do a lot of magic she researches everything about it.

Another reason she is my favorite character is because she is very helpful. She always helps Ron and Harry. One thing she helps them with is test. She also helps them get out of trouble. Sometimes whenever they do something that they shouldn't, Hermione takes all the blame just so they won't get in trouble.

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