Mot-cléHuang He

Mot-clé anglais: Yellow River (améliorer cette traduction)

Comprend: Yellow River, yellow river, Yellow river, The Yellow River, the yellow river
Traductions: Žltá rieka, Рака Хуанхэ, Хуанхъ, Gelber Fluss, Río Amarillo, Huang He, Huang He, Gula fljót, Fiume Giallo, Huanhe, Chvangchė, Sárga-folyó, Хоангхо, Gele Rivier, Huang He, Huang He, Rio Amarelo, Fluviul Galben, Хуанхэ, Хоангхо, Keltainenjoki, Huanghe, Sarı Irmak

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